IEEE SA Standards Board Approvals
3 June 2020
New PARs
- P1904.4 (COM/AccessNet-SC)
Standard for Service Interoperability in 25 Gb/s and 50 Gb/s Ethernet Passive Optical Networks - P1941.1 (COM/AccessNet-SC)
Recommended Practice for Internet Grades of Service in Rural Areas - P2893 (COM/PLC)
Standard for Flexible Optical Service Unit (OSUFlex) of Optical Transport Network (OTN) in Power Systems - P3212 (C/BDL)
Standard for Blockchain System Governance Specification - P2883 (C/CPSC)
Standard for Sanitizing Storage - P2887 (C/CPSC)
Recommended Practice for Zero Trust Security - P802.1ASdm C/LM
Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Applications Amendment: Hot Standby - P802.3cy (C/LM)
Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for greater than 10 Gb/s Electrical Automotive Ethernet - P802.3cz (C/LM)
Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for Multi-Gigabit Optical Automotive Ethernet - P802.3da (C/LM)
Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for Enhancement of 10 Mb/s Operation over Single Balanced Pair Multidrop Segments - P802.3db (C/LM)
Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 100 Gb/s, 200 Gb/s, and 400 Gb/s Operation over Optical Fiber using 100 Gb/s Signaling - P2894 (C/LT)
Guide for an Architectural Framework for Explainable Artificial Intelligence - P7004.1 (C/LT)
Recommended Practices for Virtual Classroom Security, Privacy and Data Governance - P1722b (C/MSC)
Standard for a Transport Protocol for Time-Sensitive Applications in Bridged Local Area Networks Amendment: New and Extended Streaming Formats - P2879 (C/SM)
General Principles for Assessment of a Smart Factory - P2677.1 (CES/BSC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Omnidirectional Pandemic/epidemic Surveillance: Overarching Framework - P2677.10 (CES/BSC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Omnidirectional Pandemic/epidemic Surveillance: Access to Personal Data - P2677.11 (CES/BSC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Omnidirectional Pandemic/epidemic Surveillance: Access to Telecommunications Data - P2677.12 (CES/BSC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Omnidirectional Pandemic/epidemic Surveillance: Access to Transportation Data - P2677.20 (CES/BSC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Omnidirectional Pandemic/epidemic Surveillance: Requirements for Blockchain Infrastructure - P2677.21 (CES/BSC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Omnidirectional Pandemic/epidemic Surveillance: Requirements for Peer-to-Peer Storage Infrastructure - P2677.22 (CES/BSC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Omnidirectional Pandemic/epidemic Surveillance: Requirements for Grid Computing Infrastructure - P2677.30 (CES/BSC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Omnidirectional Pandemic/epidemic Surveillance: Personal Application Programming Interface - P2677.31 (CES/BSC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Omnidirectional Pandemic/epidemic Surveillance: Healthcare Application Programming Interface - P2677.32 (CES/BSC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Omnidirectional Pandemic/epidemic Surveillance: Government Application Programming Interface - P3800 (CES/DFESC)
Standard for a data-trading system: overview, terminology and reference model - P3801 (CES/DFESC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Electronic Contracts - P3802 (CES/DFESC)
Standard for Application Technical Specification of Blockchain-based E-Commerce Transaction Evidence Collecting - P3803 (CES/DFESC)
Standard for Household Appliance Customer Data Assetization and Commercialization Requirements - P3806 (CES/DFESC)
Standard for Blockchain-based Hepatobiliary Disease Data Extraction and Exchange - P2861.1 (CES/SC)
Standard for Troubleshooting Touch Operation Issues for Mobile Gaming - P2884 (CES/SC)
Standard for Performance Evaluation of Biometric Information: Facial Recognition - P2886 (CES/SC)
Standard for General Requirements for Smart Residential Water Systems - P2891 (CES/SC)
Standard for Performance Evaluation of Biometric Information: Fingerprint Recognition - P2896 (CES/SC)
Standard for Open Data: Open Data Ontology - P2898.1 (CES/SC)
Standard for General Requirements of Evaluating Intelligent Performance of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - P2898.2 (CES/SC)
Standard for Requirements of Evaluating Intelligent Performance of Air Conditioners - P2898.3 (CES/SC)
Standard for Requirements of Evaluating Intelligent Performance of Refrigeration Appliances - P11073-10206 (EMB/11073)
Health informatics – Device interoperability – Part 10206: Personal health device communication – Abstract information content model - P487.3a (PE/PSCC)
Standard for the Electrical Protection of Communication Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations Through the Use of Hybrid Facilities Amendment: Inclusion of a New Copper to Fiber Junction (CFJ) Powering Option - P487a (PE/PSCC)
Standard for the Electrical Protection of Communications Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations – General Considerations Amendment: New Annex J – Guidance for Determining the Ground Potential Rise and Induced Voltages for the Design of Communications Installations at Electric Supply Locations - P693a (PE/SUB)
Recommended Practice for Seismic Design of Substations Amendment: Alterations of Transformers, Transformer Bushings and Time Histories - P1882 (PE/T&D)
Guide for Establishing, Benchmarking and Maintaining a Work Program for Energized Transmission Lines - P2856 (PE/T&D)
Guide for the Definition of Resiliency and Measuring the Resiliency of the Electrical Distribution System - P2892 (PE/T&D)
Recommended Practice for Medium Voltage (1.5 kV to 35 kV) Direct Current (DC) Transformers - P2890 (SSIT/SC)
Recommended Practice for Provenance of Indigenous Peoples’ Data - P2895 (SSIT/SC)
Standard Taxonomy for Responsible Trading of Human-Generated Data - P2889 (SASB/SCC39)
Guide on the Definition of Incident Power Density to Correlate Surface Temperature Elevation - PC95.1-2019/Cor 2 (SASB/SCC39)
Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields, 0 Hz to 300 GHz – Corrigendum 2:PC95.1-2019_Cor2
PARs for the Revision of Standards
- P1431 (AES/GA)
Standard for Specifying and Testing Coriolis Vibratory Gyros - P802.1Q (C/LM)
Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Bridges and Bridged Networks - P1484.11.1 (C/LT)
Standard for Learning Technology – Data Model for Content Object Communication - P1138 (PE/PSCC)
Standard for Testing and Performance for Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) for Use on Electric Utility Power Lines - P820 (PE/PSCC)
Standard Telephone Loop Performance Characteristics - P1527 (PE/SUB)
Recommended Practice for Seismic Design of Substation Buswork - P1609.11 (VT/ITS)
Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) – Over-the-Air Electronic Payment Data Exchange Protocol for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) - P1616 (VT/ITS)
Standard for Motor Vehicle Event Data Recorder (MVEDR) - PC95.7 (SASB/SCC39)
Recommended Practice for Radio Frequency Safety Programs, 0 Hz to 300 GHz
Modified PARs
- P802.15.13 (C/LM)
Standard for Multi-Gigabit per Second Optical Wireless Communications (OWC), with Ranges up to 200 meters, for both stationary and mobile devices - P7004 (C/LT)
Standard for Child and Student Data Governance - P837 (PE/SUB)
Standard for Qualifying Permanent Connections Used in Substation Grounding - P1562 (SASB/SCC21)
Recommended Practice for Sizing of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
Withdrawn PARs
- P2557 (COM/EdgeCloud-SC)
Standard for Ambient Genetics Frameworks - P2558 (COM/EdgeCloud-SC)
Standard for Ambient Objects - P2415 (C/DA)
Standard for Unified Hardware Abstraction and Layer for Energy Proportional Electronic Systems
New Standards
- 1901.1.1 (COM/PLC)
IEEE Draft Standard Test Procedures for IEEE 1901.1 Standard for Medium Frequency (less than 15 MHz) Power Line Communications for Smart Grid Applications - 1857.8 (C/DC)
IEEE Draft Standard for 2nd Generation Audio Coding - 802.15.4w (C/LM)
IEEE Draft Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks Amendment for a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) extension to the Low Energy Critical Infrastructure Monitoring (LECIM) Physical layer (PHY) - 802.15.4z (C/LM)
IEEE Draft Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks Amendment: Enhanced Ultra WideBand (UWB) Physical Layers (PHYs) and Associated Ranging Techniques - 802.1AE-2018/Cor 1 (C/LM)
IEEE Draft Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Media Access Control (MAC) Security – Corrigendum 1: Tag Control Information Figure - 802.1CMde (C/LM)
IEEE Draft Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks — Time-Sensitive Networking for Fronthaul Amendment: Enhancements to Fronthaul Profiles to Support New Fronthaul Interface, Synchronization, and Syntonization Standards - 802.1Qcx (C/LM)
IEEE Draft Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks–Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment: YANG Data Model for Connectivity Fault Management - 802.3ca (C/LM)
IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 25 Gb/s and 50 Gb/s Passive Optical Networks - 802.3ch (C/LM)
IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for Greater Than 1 Gb/s Automotive Ethernet - 2140.5 (CES/BSC)
IEEE Draft Standard for Custodian Framework of Cryptocurrency - 2143.1 (CES/BSC)
IEEE Draft Standard for General Process of Cryptocurrency Payment - 1848 (EMC/SDCom)
IEEE Draft Techniques & Measures to Manage Functional Safety and Other Risks With Regard to Electromagnetic Disturbances - 3005.4 (IAS/ICPS)
IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Design and Operational Considerations for Improving the Reliability of Emergency and Stand-By Power Systems - C62.42.4 (PES/SPDLV)
IEEE Draft Guide for the Application of Surge-Protective Components in Surge Protective Devices and Equipment Ports – Part 4 Thermally Activated Current Limiters - C62.72a (PES/SPDLV)
IEEE Draft Guide for the Application of Surge Protective Devices for Low Voltage (1000 Volts or Less) AC Power Circuits Amendment: SPD Disconnector Application Considerations and Coordination for use in Low Voltage AC (1000 V or Less, 50 or 60 Hz) Power Circuits - C37.012a (PES/SWG)
IEEE Draft Guide for the Application of Capacitance Current Switching for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Above 1000 V Amendment Changing the Capacitive Inrush/Outrush Limitations of Switchgear - 2745.3 (PES/T&D)
IEEE Draft Guide for Technology of Unified Power Flow Controller Using Modular Multilevel Converter: Part 3Thyristor Bypass Switch
Revision Standards
- 1800.2 (C/DA)
IEEE Draft Standard for Universal Verification Methodology Language Reference Manual - 11073-10420 (EMB/11073)
IEEE Draft Standard – Health Informatics – Personal Health Device Communication Part 10420: Device Specialization – Body Composition Analyzer - C62.55 (PES/SPDLV)
IEEE Draft Guide for Surge Protection of DC Power Feeds to Remote Radio Heads - C37.48 (PES/SWG)
IEEE Draft Guide and Tutorial for the Application of High-Voltage (> 1000 V) Fuses and Accessories
Industry Connections Activity Approvals
- IC20-006-01 The IEEE Applied Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) Risk and Impact Framework Initiative (PDF)
- IC20-007-01 The IEEE Global Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) Well-being Initiative (PDF)
- IC20-008-01 The IEEE Trusted Data & Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) Playbook for Finance Initiative (PDF)
- IC20-009-01 Nurturing the Era of end-to-end Mobility as a Service (MaaS): Standards for Connected and Autonomous Transportation (PDF)
Revised & Renewed Industry Connections Activity Approvals
Terminated Industry Connections Activities
- IC16-005 Consumer Healthcare Alliance
- IC17-015 Optical Networks 2020