The Standards Board (SASB)
Established and appointed by the IEEE SA Board of Governors (BOG) the IEEE SA Standards Board encourages and coordinates the development and revision of IEEE standards. This includes approving the initiation of IEEE standards projects and to reviewing them for consensus, due process, openness, and balance.
The SASB gives final approval to IEEE standards prior to publication and processes all necessary appeals.
About SASB Members
The Board consists of no fewer than 18 or more than 26 voting members. They must be IEEE and IEEE SA members. In addition, an IEEE Technical Activities Board Liaison serves as a voting member.
2025 Standards Board
Officers | |
Lei Wang | Chair |
TBD | Vice Chair |
David Law | Past Chair |
Alpesh Shah | Secretary, non-voting |
Members | |
Edward Au [TAB Rep.] | Xiaohui Liu |
Ted Burse | Kevin Lu |
Xiaofeng (Alfred) Chen | Hiroshi Mano |
Doug Edwards | Daleep Mohla |
Nehad El-Sherif | Annette Reilly |
Travis Griffith | Robby Robson |
Deborah Hagar | Jon Rosdahl |
Guido Hiertz | Dan Sabin |
Ron Hotchkiss | Keith Waters |
Tyler Jaynes | Sha Wei |
Thomas Koshy | Luyang (Eric) Zhang |
Howard Li |
2024 Representatives
Representative | Country |
Ahmed Javed (primary); Mohammad Aqeb Kohistani (alternate) | Afghanistan, Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA) |
Laredj Zerrouki | Algeria, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPT) |
Manuel de Carvalho (primary); Samuel Murca (alternate) | Angola, Institute of Communications (INACOM) |
Sergio Daniel D'uva (primary); Guillermo Montenegro (alternate) | Argentina, National Communications Entity (ENACOM) |
Dominic Byrne | Australia, Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) |
Philip Crothers (primary); Olivia Bunter (alternate) | Australia, Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) |
Ryan Mavin (primary); Cath Koetz (alternate) | Australia, Australian Digital Health Agency (DigitalHealth) |
Ed Plarisan (primary); Emma-Rose Tildesley (alternate) | Australia, Victorian Department of Transportation and Planning (DTP) |
Claudia Reinprecht | Austria, Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA) |
Franz Ziegelwanger (primary); Georg Karner (alternate) | Austria, Ministry of Finance (BMF) |
Mohammad Salahuddin | Bangladesh, Aspire to Innovate (a2i) |
Renee Evelyn | Barbados, Ministry of Industry, Innovation, Science and Technology (MIST) |
Kesang Phuntsho Namgay (primary); Tek Bahadur Chhetri (alternate) | Bhutan, Bhutan Standards Bureau (BSB) |
Jamyang Tempa | Bhutan, Department of Renewable Energy (DRE) |
Irma Sokolovic | Bosnia and Herzegovina, Communications Regulatory Agency (RAK) |
Nilo Pasquali (primary); Vinicius Oliveira Caram (alternate) | Brazil, National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) |
JosƩ Gustavo Sampaio Gontijo | Brazil, Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTIC) |
Lydia Mai Ouedraogo (primary); Richard Anago (alternate) | Burkina Faso, Ministry of Digital Economy and Post Development (DEPD) |
Gael Ingabire | Burundi, Telecommunications Regulatory and Control Agency (ARCT) |
Francis Olivier Cubahiro | Burundi, Ministry of Communication, ICT, and Media (MINCOTIM) |
Nitin Nair | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) |
Jim Boyden (primary); David Park (alternate) | Canada, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT) |
Rodney Taylor (primary); Nigel Cassimire (alternate) | Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) |
Danae Diez de Medina Contreras | Chile, Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT) |
Hassan Abouseada (primary); Mostafa Eldin (alternate) | Egypt, Egyptian Space Agency (EgSA) |
Ramy Ahmed Fathy | Egypt, National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) |
Nora Bellec | France, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) |
Alexander DĆ¼rnagel (primary): Lars Herrmann (alternate) | Germany, Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) |
Guido Hiertz | Germany, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) |
Taras Holoyad (primary); Markus Maas (alternate) | Germany, Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway (BNetzA) |
Isaac Boateng (primary); Roland Yaw Kudozia (alternate) | Ghana, National Communications Authority (NCA) |
Sophia Papathanasopoulou | Greece, Ministry of Digital Governance (MoDG) |
Anand Deshpande (primary); Abhijit Mulay (alternate) | India, Automobile Research Association of India (ARAI) |
Priti Bhatnagar | India, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) |
Hemant Darbari (primary); Pramod PJ (alternate) | India, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) |
Rajkumar Upadhyay (primary); Sandeep Agrawal (alternate) | India, Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) |
Ashok Rajput (primary); Vandana Singhal (alternate) | India, Central Electricity Authority (CEA) |
Premjit Lal (primary); A. Robert Jerard Ravi (alternate) | India, Ministry of Communications (MIC) |
Mr. Abhishek (primary); S. B. R. Rao (alternate) | India, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID) |
Avinash Agarwal (primary); Harsh Sharma (alternate) | India, Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC) |
Anil Bhardwaj (primary); Rakesh Purohit (alternate) | India, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) |
Ehoud Peleg | Israel, Ministry of Communications (MOC) |
Igor Stepensky | Israel, Public Utility Authority (PUA) |
Courtney Francis | Jamaica, Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) |
Kei Narisawa | Japan, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) |
Nael Adwan | Jordan, Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) |
Abilkair Bolatbayev | Kazakhstan, Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry (MDDIAI) |
Nelson Wasilwa (primary); Joseph Onaya (alternate) | Kenya, Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) |
Soo Jin Park | Republic of Korea, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) |
Sungdong Min | Republic of Korea, Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) |
Ntsane Mole | Lesotho, Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA) |
Fernando Butler Silva (primary); Victor Manuel MartĆnez Vanegas (alternate) | Mexico, Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) |
A. Abubakar Ladan (primary); Kahir Salibu (alternate) | Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Communications & Digital Economy (FMCDE) |
Oladejo Olawumi | Nigeria, National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) |
Abdul Escobar | Panama, National Secretariat of Energy (SNE) |
Nicolas Evers | Paraguay, National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) |
Wilmer CarĆ³l Azurza Neyra | Peru, Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) |
Agnieszka Chruszcz | Poland, Ministry of Digital Affairs |
Sadeem Abdulla M Al Mahmied | Qatar, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) |
Florin Dragomir (primary); Mihail Ion (alternate) | Romania, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) |
Gabriel Dinu | Romania, National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) |
Angelos Munezero | Rwanda, Ministry of ICT & Innovation (MINICT) |
Rene Nsanabo Kageruka | Rwanda, Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA) |
Yvonne Umutoni | Rwanda, Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) |
Mansour Al Qurashi | Saudi Arabia, Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) |
Achime Malick Ndiaye | Republic of Senegal, Ministry of Digital Economy and Telecommunications |
Sengmeng Koo | Singapore, AI Singapore (AISG) |
Woon Hau Chin | Singapore, Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) |
Jama Abdi Husein | Somalia, National Communications Authority (NCA) |
Elliot Sibeko | South Africa, Department of Communications & Digital Technologies (DCDT) |
Bethuel Nkgadime | South Africa, Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) |
Cynthia Lesufi | South Africa, Permanent Mission of South Africa (PMUN) |
Matlou Ratsela | South Africa, State Information Technology Agency (SITA) |
Mwesigwa Felician (primary); Beatrice Lema (alternate) | Tanzania, Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) |
Afsin Buyukbas (primary); Fazli Kaybal (alternate) | Turkey, Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) |
Susan Nakanwagi (primary); George Kasangaki (alternate) | Uganda, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) |
Anna Martynenko | Ukraine, Ukrainian Scientific Research and Training Center for Standardization, Certification and Quality Problems (SE UkrNDNC) |
Simon Hicks (primary); Sarah Jennings (alternate) | United Kingdom, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) |
Jamie Lewis | United Kingdom, Intellectual Property Office (IPO) |
Simon Burley | United Kingdom, Office of Communications (Ofcom) |
Philip Mattson (primary); Yonas Nebiyeloul-Kifle (alternate) | United States, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) |
Jonathan Baas (primary); Andrew Hamrick (alternate) | United States, Department of State (DoS) |
Jason Coder (primary); Marla Dowell (alternate) | United States, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) |
Daniel Henry | United States, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) |
Patricia Maluti | Zambia, Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) |