IEEE SA Standards Board Approvals
8 February 2019
New PARs
- P2804 (C/DA)
Software-Hardware Interface for Multi-Many-Core - P802.1CMde (C/LM)
Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks — Time-Sensitive Networking for Fronthaul Amendment: Enhancements to Fronthaul Profiles to Support New Fronthaul Interface, Synchronization, and Syntonization Standards - P802.1DF (C/LM)
Time-Sensitive Networking Profile for Service Provider Networks - P802.1DG (C/LM)
Time-Sensitive Networking Profile for Automotive In-Vehicle Ethernet Communications - P802.3ct (C/LM)
Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layers and Management Parameters for 100 Gb/s and 400 Gb/s Operation over DWDM (dense wavelength division multiplexing) systems - P1939.1 (COM/AccessCore-SC)
Standard for a Framework for Structuring Low Altitude Airspace for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Operations - P1938.1 (COM/NetSoft-SC)
Standard for Software Defined Protocol and Functional Requirements for Improvement of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in Communications Channels - P4003 (GRSS/SC)
Standard for Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry (GNSS-R) Data and Metadata Content - P4004 (GRSS/SC)
Standard for Calibration of Microwave Radiometers in the 300 MHz to 1 THz Frequency Range for Geoscience Applications - P2805.1 (IES/IES)
Self-Management Protocols for Edge Computing Node - P2805.2 (IES/IES)
Data acquisition, Filtering and buffering Protocols for Edge Computing Node - P2805.3 (IES/IES)
Cloud-Edge Collaboration Protocols for Machine Learning - P48404.2 (PE/IC)
Standard for Terminations and Joints for Extruded and Laminar Dielectric Shielded Cables Rated 69 kV through 500 kV - PC37.252 (PE/PSRCC)
Guide for Testing Automatic Voltage Control Systems in Regional Power Grids - PC37.20.1a (PE/SWG)
Standard for Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage (1000 Vac and below, 3200 VDC and below) Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear Amendment 1: Control and secondary circuits and devices, and all wiring - PC37.20.2a (PE/SWG)
Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear Amendment a: Control and secondary circuits and devices, and all wiring - PC37.21a (PE/SWG)
Standard for Control Switchboards Amendment a: Control and secondary circuits and devices, and all wiring - PC37.100.6 (PE/SWG)
Guide for Determination of Test Specimens for Seismic Qualification for Building Code Applications - P62209-3 (SASB/SCC39)
Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication devices – Human models, instrumentation, and procedures – Part 3: Vector probe systems (Frequency range of 100 MHz to 6 GHz)
PARs for the Revision of Standards
- P952 (AES/GA)
Standard Specification Format Guide and Test Procedure for Single-Axis Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyros - P29119-1 (C/S2ESC)
ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard – Software and systems engineering –Software testing –Part 1:Concepts and definitions - P29119-2 (C/S2ESC)
ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard – Software and systems engineering –Software testing –Part 2:Test processes - P29119-3 (C/S2ESC)
ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard – Software and systems engineering — Software testing –Part 3: Test documentation - P29119-4 (C/S2ESC)
ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard – Software and systems engineering–Software testing–Part 4: Test techniques - P11073-10420 (EMB/11073)
Health informatics — Personal health device communication Part 10420: Device specialization — Body composition analyzer - P11073-10421 (EMB/11073)
Health informatics–Personal health device communication Part 10421: Device specialization–Peak expiratory flow monitor (peak flow) - P11073-10441 (EMB/11073)
Health Informatics–Personal health device communication Part 10441: Device specialization–Cardiovascular fitness and activity monitor - P11073-10472 (EMB/11073)
Health informatics–Personal health device communication–Part 10472: Device specialization–Medication monitor - P1428 (PE/IC)
Guide for Installation Methods for Fiber Optic Cables in Power Generating Stations and in Industrial Facilities - P1717 (PE/IC)
Standard for Testing Fire-Resistive, Circuit Integrity Cables and Cable Systems Using a Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Test Protocol - P1222 (PE/PSCC)
Standard for Testing and Performance for All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) Fiber Optic Cable for Use on Electric Utility Power Lines - PC62.31 (PE/SPDLV)
Standard for Test Methods and Preferred Values for Low-Voltage Gas Discharge Tube Surge-Protective Components - PC37.11 (PE/SWG)
Standard Requirements for Electrical Control for AC High-Voltage (>1000 V) Circuit Breakers - PC37.017 (PE/SWG)
Standard for Bushings for High-Voltage [over 1000 V (ac)] Circuit Breakers and Gas-Insulated Switchgear - PC57.12.20 (PE/TR)
Standard for Overhead-Type Distribution Transformers 500 kVA and Smaller; High Voltage, 34 500 V and Below; Low Voltage, 7970/13 800Y V and Below - PC57.12.24 (PE/TR)
Standard for Submersible, Three-Phase Transformers, 3750 kVA and Smaller: High Voltage, 34 500 GrdY/19 920 Volts and Below; Low Voltage, 600 Volts and Below - PC57.12.30 (PE/TR)
Standard for Pole-Mounted Equipment–Enclosure Integrity for Coastal Environments - PC57.12.31 (PE/TR)
Standard for Pole-Mounted Equipment–Enclosure Integrity
Modified PARs
- P802.3cn (C/LM)
Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layers and Management Parameters for 50 Gb/s, 200 Gb/s, and 400 Gb/s Operation over Single-Mode Fiber - P2730 (EMB/Stds Com)
Standard for Terms, Definitions, and Classification of Medical Electrical Equipment/Systems Employing Robotic Technology - P421.5 (PE/ED&PG)
Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies - P2740 (PE/IC)
Guide for the Selection and Installation of Electrical Cables and Systems in Hazardous (Classified) Locations on Oil & Gas Land Drilling Rigs - PC57.104 (PE/TR)
Guide for the Interpretation of Gases Generated in Oil-Immersed Transformers
Withdrawn PARs
- P2550 (EMB/Stds Com)
Standard for Remote Monitoring of a Neonate and the Mother Post-Partum in a Non-Clinical Healthcare Setting - P2667 (EMC/SDCom)
Recommended Practice for an Electromagnetic Immunity Site Survey - P844.5 (IAS/PCI)
Recommended Practice for the Design, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Induction Heating Systems for Pipelines, Vessels, Equipment, Structures and Induction Susceptor Heating Furnaces
New Standards
- 802.15.10a (C/LM)
IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Routing Packets in IEEE 802.15.4 Dynamically Changing Wireless Networks Amendment to Fully Define use of Addressing and Route Information Currently in the Standard – Amendment A - 844.3 (IAS/PCI)
IEEE Draft Standard for Impedance Heating of Pipelines and Equipment – General, Testing, Marking, and Documentation Requirements - 844.4 (IAS/PCI)
IEEE Draft Standard for Impedance Heating of Pipelines and Equipment – Application Guide for Design, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance
Revision Standards
- 15026-1_Revision (C/S2ESC)
ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard – Systems and Software Engineering – Systems and Software Assurance -Part 1: Concepts and Vocabulary - 1900.1 (COM/DySPAN-SC)
IEEE Draft Standard Definitions and Concepts for Dynamic Spectrum Access: Terminology Relating to Emerging Wireless Networks, System Functionality, and Spectrum Management - 80005-1 (IAS/PCI)
IEC/IEEE Draft International Standard – Utility Connections in Port – Part 1: High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC) Systems – General requirements - 572 (PE/NPE)
Standard for Qualification of Class 1E Connection Assemblies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities - 1267 (PE/SUB)
IEEE Draft Guide for Development of Specification for Turnkey Substation Projects - C37.011 (PE/SWG)
IEEE Draft Guide for the Application of Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers with Rated Maximum Voltage above 1000V - 1159.3 (PE/T&D)
IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Power Quality Data Interchange Format (PQDIF) - C57.105 (PE/TR)
IEEE Draft Guide for Application of Transformer Connections in Three-Phase Electrical Systems - 945 (SASB/SCC14)
Recommended Practice for Preferred Metric Units for Use in Electrical and Electronics Science and Technology - C95.1 (SASB/SCC39)
IEEE Draft Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields, 0 Hz to 300 GHz - 1609.0 (VT/ITS)
IEEE Draft Guide for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) – Architecture