Call For Nominations

Call for Nominations

The Nomination Period is 1 February – 31 July.

The IEEE SA Awards and Recognition Committee (ArCom) is responsible for the administration of awards presented by IEEE SA. For questions about the process, email

The IEEE SA Awards Process

The information below describes the criteria and step-by-step instructions on submitting an IEEE SA awards nomination:

Submitting an IEEE SA Awards Nomination

Nominees, nominators, and endorsers cannot currently be:

  • An employee of IEEE
  • An independent contractor to IEEE who is providing services to IEEE SA
  • A voting member of the IEEE SA Board of Governors
  • A current member of ArCom

In addition:

  • Nominees cannot self-nominate
  • Nominees cannot be deceased (no posthumous nominations)
  • Nominees cannot have previously received an award in the category for which the nomination is submitted
  • Identify 3-5 endorsers who can provide detailed and knowledgeable comments on the nominee’s achievements and impact in standards development
  • Contact endorsers ahead of time to let them know that you plan to request their endorsement via the IEEE Awards electronic nomination system
  • Encourage endorsers to address specific details, such as the candidate’s contributions to standards products; leadership skills; relation to you; and any documented business, economic, or technical impact

Complete the online nomination form and ensure that all required fields are filled out accurately. Once you submit the form, the endorsers you identified will receive an auto-generated email requesting their endorsement.

Please do not inform candidates that they are under consideration, as a limited number of recipients are chosen each year.

All completed nomination packets will be reviewed by the IEEE SA Awards and Recognition Committee, and their recommendations are sent to the IEEE SA Board of Governors for further deliberation and approval.

Thank you for your interest in IEEE SA Awards. Your nomination continues the tradition of honoring outstanding participation in standards development activities.

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