Standards Board Distinguished Service Award
The Standards Board Distinguished Service Award is made annually to current member(s) or past member(s) of the IEEE SA Standards Board to recognize distinguished service to the IEEE SA based on major contributions to the standards development process. Major contributions include but are not limited to the following examples:
- Enhancing the process through continued service on its major action committees.
- Leadership in developing new aspects of what the IEEE SA can do to improve its procedural process.
- Interaction on behalf of the IEEE SA to promote national and international growth of standards as a product of IEEE.
- Representing the IEEE SA at various levels within IEEE Societies/Committees and other standards-developing organizations, which encourages the implementation of the IEEE Standards Association mission and its goals.
This recognition consists of an engraved wooden plaque. There is no honorarium attached to this award.
The award is presented by the IEEE SA President at the SA Awards Ceremony
- Recipient honored at the IEEE SA Awards Ceremony
- Recognition on the IEEE SA website and social media post
Member(s) of the IEEE SA Standards Board, or to past member(s) going back as far as five years from the current date. There are no restrictions or preferences as to the nationality, race, sex, creed or age.
Annual Deadline 31 July
This award is sponsored by the IEEE Standards Association, administered by the IEEE SA Awards and Recognition Committee.
Standards Board Distinguished Service Award
Kevin Lu
For superior IEEE SA Governance leadership as the IEEE SA Standards Board Audit Committee Chair and as the IEEE SA Industry Connections Committee Chair
Daleep Mohla
For outstanding leadership on the IEEE SA Standards Board and its committees
Ted A. Burse
John Kulick
Michael Janezic
Richard H. Hulett
Peter Balma
- Robert M. Grow
- Ted Olsen
Samuel Sciacca