IEEE SA Standards Committee Award for Outstanding Contributions to Entity Standards Development
The IEEE SA Standards Committee Award for Outstanding Contributions to Entity Standards Development may be presented annually to IEEE Standards Committees that have shown exceptional support of the entity standards development process. This process embraces the direct representation of companies, government bodies, and academic institutions in the IEEE Standards process. This award is given to Standards Committees that have excelled in endeavors including but not limited to the following:
- Oversight of more than one entity-based standard, promoting the IEEE SA Entity Program.
- Standards Committee facilitation of formal industry input in the creation of IEEE Standards.
Recognition consists of an engraved wooden plaque.
The award is presented by the IEEE SA President at the SA Awards Ceremony
- Recipient honored at the IEEE SA Awards Ceremony
- Recognition on the IEEE SA website and social media post
This award is limited to IEEE Standards Committees. There are no restrictions or preferences as to the nationality, race, sex, creed or age.
Annual Deadline 31 July
Suggested Location for Presentation of Award
This award is to be presented to the Standards Committee chair or a Standards Committee representative at the annual IEEE SA Awards Ceremony. Alternatively, arrangements can be made to present the award at the Standard Committee’s major meeting. There is no funding from the IEEE SA for travel or accommodations at the award venue for the recipient.
This award is sponsored by the IEEE Standards Association, administered by the IEEE SA Awards and Recognition Committee.
Standards Committee Award for Outstanding Contributions to Entity Standards Past Recipients
- IEEE Computer Society Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Committee
- For overseeing the development of a significant number of IEEE blockchain and distributed ledger standards, including standards for green and sustainable development
- IEEE Power and Energy Society Transmission & Distribution Committee
- For exceptional support of entity standards management and development processes in electric transmission and distribution technologies
IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Standards Committee