International Award

International Award

This award may be presented annually to an IEEE SA individual member who has made an extraordinary contribution to establishing the IEEE SA as a world-class leader in standardization.

Examples include but are not limited to individuals who excel in the following activities:

  • Achieving acceptance of an SA standard for world-wide implementation.
  • Harmonizing an SA standard with international market requirements.
  • Interacting with national and international bodies to enhance their understanding of the breadth and strength of the SA standards program.


This recognition consists of a crystal globe and certificate. There is no honorarium attached to this award.


The award is presented by the IEEE SA President at the SA Awards Ceremony


The recipient must be an IEEE SA member and IEEE member. There are no restrictions or preferences as to the nationality, race, sex, creed or age.


Annual Deadline 31 July

Nominate a Party for This Award

Suggested Location for Presentation of Award

The award is to be presented at the annual IEEE SA Awards Ceremony. There is no funding from the IEEE SA Board of Governors for the recipient for travel to or accommodations at the award venue.


This award is sponsored by the IEEE Standards Association, administered by the IEEE SA Awards and Recognition Committee.

International Award Past Recipients


Teruo Onishi
For leadership in standardization and harmonization for human protection from millimeter waves exposures


Dennis Brophy
For global efforts to drive definition, acceptance, and use of electronic design automation standards including IEEE 1076™ (VHDL), IEEE 1666™ (SystemC), and IEEE 1800™ (SystemVerilog)


Richard H. Hulett
For outstanding long-term contributions in establishing IEEE SA trace heating standards internationally


Jingxuan (Joanne) Hu


  • W. Charlton (Chuck) Adams, Jr.
  • Teresa Doran
  • Cheryl Jones
  • Vikass Monebhurrun


  • Leslie T. Falkingham
  • William Whyte


  • Giorgi Bit-Babik
  • Craig A. Colopy


Anne A. Bosma


  • Bill Long
  • J. Patrick Reilly


  • Melvin Reynolds
  • John White


Andrew Myles


David John Law

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