Recirculating a Standard
The IEEE Standards ballot recirculation process for draft standards.
A recirculation ballot may be necessary when there are valid new comments with a disapprove vote, or any technical or substantive changes have been made to the draft. For help determining if a recirculation is necessary based on the ballot comments received, please see the IEEE SA Balloting and Comment Resolution Process Guidelines.
When a recirculation ballot is opened, the entire balloting group receives the notice of the recirculation ballot.
While the ballot period is open (SA Ballot or recirculation), balloters can change their votes (selecting from disapprove, approve, abstain).
For closed ballots, balloters can change (flip) their votes from disapprove to approve or abstain at any time before a recirculation or the RevCom meeting.
It is up to the working group’s comment resolution group to decide whether or not a new comment is valid and is subject to the Working Group’s approval. Remember, during a recirculation ballot, balloters can only vote on the changed portion or portions affected by change of the document and on any unresolved negative comments. For more information see Clause of the IEEE SASB Operations Manual.
If new negatives with comments are received on changes to the draft being recirculated, if technical changes were made to the draft as a result of the previous recirculation, the WG must initiate an additional recirculation. Please contact your staff Program Manager for additional guidance.
For a recirculation ballot, the following material is needed:
- Revised draft in PDF format, including current date and updated draft number, with changes tracked (preferable), highlighted or a summary sheet showing changes made to the last draft.
- Completed comment resolution in myProject.
- Recirculation letter (required) outlining the major changes to the document.