PARs, the PAR Form & Continuous Processing
Addresses questions about the PAR, the committee that approves PARs, and the new methods to process PARs outside the traditional, four-times-a-year meeting schedule.
PAR stands for Project Authorization Request. It is the means by which standards projects are started within the IEEE SA. PARs define the scope, purpose, and contact points for the new project.
A PAR is submitted on-line through the myProject system and can be submitted by anyone, as long as they are an IEEE SA member.
The PAR can be saved as a draft before submitting it to NesCom. Once it is submitted, changes can only be made by the NesCom Administrator. Once the PAR is approved, a confirmation will be sent via email to both the Standards Committee Chair (or Standards Representative) and Working Group Chair.
In order for the PAR to be added to a meeting agenda, the Standards Committee has to approve the submittal in the system before the Standards Committee Approval Cutoff.
Extension Requests are submitted on-line through the myProject system. Once logged in, click on the Submit a PAR link. Under PAR Actions there is an option to Extend an Approved PAR. Once the request is submitted, confirmation will be sent through a myProject notification to both the Standards Committee Chair (or Standards Representative) and Working Group Chair.
No, if the Working Group or Standards Committee Chair changes, a modified PAR is not necessary. When the chair accepts the new assignment in myProject, the information will be updated on the PAR.
Changing a PAR number requires a request (with a reason) from either the Standards Committee or working group chair. The request can be made, via e-mail, to the NesCom Administrator. The request will be put on the consent agenda for the next scheduled NesCom meeting.
Continuous Processing allows for PAR approval in between quarterly meetings and reduces the maximum time needed to process a PAR from approximately 90 days to 25 days.
Continuous Processing works just like the regular PAR review/approval process. The difference being that NesCom meets via teleconference, not in conjunction with the Standards Board. When NesCom makes it recommendations, they are then forwarded to the IEEE SA Standards Board for a 10-day email ballot for final PAR approval and subsequent Standards Committee notification.
The submittal deadlines for Continuous Processing and all NesCom meetings is available on our website.