PSID Public Listing

PSID Values (Hex) P-encoded PSID Values (Hex) Description Organization Documentation # Number of Values (Decimal)
0x00 0p00 system ISO ISO 15628a 1
0x01 0p01 electronic-fee-collection ISO ISO 15628 ISO 14906 1
0x02 0p02 freight-fleet-management ISO ISO 15628 1
0x03 0p03 public-transport ISO ISO 15628 1
0x04 0p04 traffic-traveller-information ISO ISO 15628 1
0x05 0p05 traffic-control ISO ISO 15628 1
0x06 0p06 parking management ISO ISO 15628 1
0x07 0p07 geographic-road-database ISO ISO 15628 1
0x08 0p08 medium-range-pre-information ISO ISO 15628 1
0x09 0p09 man-machine-interface ISO ISO 15628 1
0x0A 0p0A intersystem-interface ISO ISO 15628 1
0x0B 0p0B automatic-vehicle-identification ISO ISO 17264 1
0x0C 0p0C emergency-warning ISO ISO 15628 1
0x0D 0p0D private ISO ISO 15628 1
0x0E 0p0E multi-purpose-payment ISO ISO 15628 1
0x0F 0p0F dsrc-resource manager ISO ISO 15628 1
0x10 0p10 after-theft-systems ISO ISO 15628 1
0x11 0p11 cruise-assist-highway-system ISO ISO 15628 1
0x12 0p12 multi-purpose-information-system ISO ISO 15628 1
0x13 0p13 multi-mobile-information-system ISO ISO 15628 1
0x14 0p14 efc-compliance-check-communication-applications ISO ISO TS 12813 1
0x15 0p15 efc-localisation-augmentation-communication-applications ISO ISO TS 13141 1
0x16 to 0x1C 0p16 to 0p1C reserved for ISO/CEN-dsrc-applications ISO ISO 15628 7
0x1D to 0x1E 0p1D to 0p1E reserved for private use ISO ISO 15628 2
0x1F 0p1F reserved for ISO/CEN-dsrc-applications ISO ISO 15628 1
0x20 0p20 vehicle to vehicle safety and awareness SAE SAE J3268 1
0x21 0p21 limited sensor vehicle to vehicle safety and awareness SAE SAE J3268 1
0x22 0p22 rail vehicle safety and awareness SAE SAE J3268 1
0x23 0p23 WAVE security management IEEE IEEE Std 1609.2 1
0x24 0p24 CA Basic Service ETSI ETSI EN 302 637-2 1
0x25 0p25 DEN Basic Service ETSI ETSI EN 302 637-3 1
0x26 0p26 Misbehavior reporting for common applications SAE SAE J3268 1
0x27 0p27 Vulnerable Road Users Safety Application SAE SAE J3268 1
0x28 to 0x34 0p28 to 0p34 Not allocated IEEE
0x35 0x35 NPRA road safety traffic management application No. 1 Norwegian Public Road Administration Private use 1
0x36 0x36 NPRA road safety traffic management application No. 2 Norwegian Public Road Administration Private use 1
0x37 0x37 NPRA road safety traffic management application No. 3 Norwegian Public Road Administration Private use 1
0x38 0x38 NPRA road safety traffic management application No. 4 Norwegian Public Road Administration Private use 1
0x39 0x39 NPRA road safety traffic management application No. 5 Norwegian Public Road Administration Private use 1
0x3A to 0x46 0x3A to 0x46 Not allocated CEN
0x47 0p47 Automated Vehicle Marshalling ETSI ETSI TS 103 882 71
0x48 to 0x6E 0x48 to 0x6E Not allocated ISO
0x6F to 0x7E 0x6F to 0x&E Not allocated To be determined
0x7F 0p7F Testingb IEEE P1609 WG IEEE Std 1609.12 1
2-octet p-encoded values:
0x80 0p80-00 GNSS corrections - legacy SAE SAE J3268 1
0x81 0p80-01 V2X Infrastructure Support for GNSS Corrections SAE SAE J3268 1
0x82 0p80-02 intersection safety and awareness SAE SAE J3268 1
0x83 0p80-03 traveler information and roadside signage SAE SAE J3268 1
0x84 0p80-04 mobile probe exchanges SAE SAE J3268 1
0x85 0p80-05 emergency and erratic vehicles present in roadway SAE SAE J3268 1
0x86 0p80-06 Remote ITS station management protocol-Remote Management Protocol Execution (RMPE) ISO ISO 24102-2 1
0x87 0p80-07 WAVE Service Advertisement IEEE IEEE Std 1609.3
0x88 0p80-08 Peer-to-peer distribution of Security Management Information Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners LLC 1
0x89 0p80-09 Traffic Light Manoeuver Service (TLM) ETSI ETSI TS 103 301 1
0x8A 0p80-0A Road and Lane Topology Service (RLT) ETSI ETSI TS 103 301 1
0x8B 0p80-0B Infrastructure to Vehicle Information Service (IVI) ETSI ETSI TS 103 301 1
0x8C 0p80-0C TLC Request Service (SREM) ETSI ETSI TS 103 301 1
0x8D 0p80-0D GeoNetworking Management Communications (GN-MGMT) ETSI ETSI EN 302 636-4-1 1
0x8E 0p80-0E Cooperative automation (CA) message for cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) SAE SAE J3268 1
0x8F 0p80-0F V2X-based fee collection SAE SAE J3268 1
0x90 Op80-10 Sensor Sharing Service SAE SAE J3268 1
0x91 Op80-11 Maneuver Coordination Service SAE SAE J3268 1
0x92 to 0xFF 0p80-12 to 0p80-7F Not allocated IEEE
0x01-00 0p80-80 Certificate Revocation List Application IEEE IEEEE Std 1609.2 1
0x01-01 to 0x02-6D 0p80-81 to 0p81-ED Not allocated IEEE
0x02-6E 0p81-EE Certificate Revocation List (CRL) service ETSI ETSI TS 102 941 1
0x02-6F 0p81-EF Secured certificate request service ETSI ETSI TS 102 941 1
0x02-70 0p81-F0 Certificate Trust List (CTL) service ETSI ETSI TS 102 941 1
0x02-71 0p81-F1 Controlled Zone Management (CZM) CEN CEN TC278 WI 00278501 1
0x02-72 0p81-F2 Contextual Speed CEN CEN ISO TS 17426 1
0x02-73 to 0x02-7C 0p81-F3 to 0p81-FC NPRA road efficiency traffic management application No. 1 through 10 Norwegian Public Road Administration Private use 10
0x02-7D 0p81-FD TLC Status Service (SSEM) ETSI ETSI TS 103 301 1
0x02-7E 0p81-FE VRU basic awareness service ETSI ETSI TS 103 300 1
0x02-7F 0p81-FF Collective Perception Service (CPS) ETSI ETSI TS 103 324 1
0x02-80 to 0x06-4F 0p82-00 to 0p85-CF Not allocated CEN
0x06-50 0p85-D0 TMS message set parser CEN CEN TS 17241 1
0x06-51 0p85-D1 eCall CEN CEN TC278 WI00278453 1
0x06-52 0p85.d2 Misbehaviour Reporting Service ETSI ETSI TS 103 759 1
0x06-53 Op85-D3 Point of Interest Notification Service (PAS) ETSI ETSI TS 103 916 1619
0x06-54 to 0x0E-1F 0p85-D4 to 0p8D-9F Not allocated ISO
0x0E-20 to 0x3E-7F Not allocated To be determined
0x3E-80 to 0x40-1F 0pBE-00 to 0pBF-9F Reservedc IEEE P1609 WG IEEE Std 1609.12 416
0x40-20 to 0x40-5F 0pBF-A0 to 0pBF-DF Unregistered used IEEE P1609 WG IEEE Std 1609.12 64
0x40-60 to 0x40-7F 0pBF-E0 to 0pBF-FF Testingb IEEE P1609 WG IEEE Std 1609.12 32
3-octet p-encoded values:
0x40-80 0pC0-00-00 Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) processor (deprecated) ETSI 1
0x40-81 0pC0-00-01 Decentralized Environmental Notification Message (DENM) processor (deprecated) ETSI 1
0x40-82 0pC0-00-02 Vehicle initiated distress notification Wyoming DOT Private use 1
0x40-83 to 0xx08-40-80 0pC0-00-03 to 0pC8-00-00 Not allocated IEEE
0x08-40-81 0pC8-00-01 ETSI Service Announcement ETSI ETSI TS 102 890-1 V1.1.1 1
0x08-40-82 0pC8-00-02 GPC-GNSS ETSI ETSI TS 103 301 1
0x08-40-83 to 0x08-40-96 0pC8-00-03 to 0pC8-00-16 NPRA general purpose traffic management application No. 1 through 20 Norwegian Public Road Administration Private use 20
0x08-40-97 to 0x10-40-7E 0pC8-00-17 to 0pCF-FF-FE Not allocated CEN
0x10-40-7F to 0x20-C3-7F 0pCF-FF-FF to 0p DF-FB-FF Not allocated ISO
0x20-3C-80 to 0x20-40-7E 0pDF-FC-00 to 0pDF-FF-FE Testingb IEEE P1609 WG IEEE Std 1609.12 1023
0x20-40-7F 0pDF-FF-FF Not allocated ISO 1
4-octet p-encoded values:
0x20-40-80 0pE0-00-00-00 Fast Service Announcement Protocol (FSAP) ISO ISO 22418 1
0x20-40-81 0pE0-00-00-01 ITS-station Internal management Communications Protocol (IICP) ISO ISO 24102-4 1
0x20-40-82 0pE0-00-00-02 Veniam delay tolerant networking Private use 1
0x20-40-83 0pE0-00-00-03 Transcore software update Transcore, Inc. Private use 1
0x20-40-84 to 0x20-40-87 0pE0-00-00-04 to 0pE0-00-00-07 SRA Private use SRA, Inc. Private use 4
0x20-40-88 0pE0-00-00-08 Over-the-air File Broadcast Siemens Industry, Inc. Private use 1
0x20-40-89 0pE0-00-00-09 Data Log Transfer Siemens Industry, Inc. Private use 1
0x20-40-8A 0pE0-00-00-0A CV Pilot Application 3 Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners LLC Private use 1
0x20-40-8B 0pE0-00-00-0B CV Pilot Application 4 Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners LLC Private use 1
0x20-40-8C 0pE0-00-00-0C CV Pilot Application 5 Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners LLC Private use 1
0x20-40-8D 0pE0-00-00-0D CV Pilot Application 6 Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners LLC Private use 1
0x20-40-8E 0pE0-00-00-0E WYDOT Data Log Transfer WYDOT Private use 1
0x20-40-8F 0pE0-00-00-0F WYDOT Over the Air Update WYDOT Private use 1
0x20-40-90 0pE0-00-00-10 CV Pilot Application 9 Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners LLC Private use 1
0x20-40-91 0pE0-00-00-11 CV Pilot Application 10 Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners LLC Private use 1
0x20-40-92 0pE0-00-00-12 CV Pilot Application 11 Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners LLC Private use 1
0x20-40-93 0pE0-00-00-13 CV Pilot Application 12 Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners LLC Private use 1
0x20-40-94 0pE0-00-00-14 NYC CV Pilot Data Upload Transcore, Inc Private use 1
0x20-40-95 0pE0-00-00-15 Traffic signal priority status SAE SAE J3268 1
0x20-40-96 0pE0-00-00-16 Traffic signal request SAE SAE J3268 1
0x20-40-97 0pE0-00-00-17 MAP distribution SAE SAE J3268 1
0x20-40-98 0pE0-00-00-18 Peloton Platooning Service Peloton Technology, Inc Private use 1
0x20-40-99 0pE0-00-00-19 Road Weather Applications SAE SAE J3268 1
0x20-40-9A 0pE0-00-00-1A Honda Private Service S1 Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Private use 1
0x20-40-9B 0pE0-00-00-1B Honda Private Service S2 Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Private use 1
0x20-40-9C 0pE0-00-00-1C Honda Private Service S3 Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Private use 1
0x20-40-9D 0pE0-00-00-1D Honda Private Service S4 Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Private use 1
0x20-40-9E 0pE0-00-00-1E Honda Private Service S5 Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Private use 1
0x20-40-9F 0pE0-00-00-1F R-ITS-S Ranging Service (RRS) ETSI ETSI EN 302 890-2 1
0x20-40-A0 0pE0-00-00-20 Distribution of Activation Codes for Pseudonym Certificates IEEE IEEE Std 1609.2.1 1
0x20-40-A1 0pE0-00-00-21 Caterpillar, Inc., Construction and Mining Caterpillar, Inc. Private Use 1
0x20-40-A2 0pE0-00-00-22 Caterpillar, Inc., Construction and Mining 2 Caterpillar, Inc Private Use 1
0x20-40-A3 0pE0-00-00-23 Automated Vehicle Marshalling System SAE International SAE J3268 1
0x20-40-A4 to 0x04-20-40-80 0pE0-00-00-24 to 0p04-00-00-00 Not allocated IEEE
0x04-20-40-81 to 0x08-20-40-80 0pE4-00-00-01 to 0pE8-00-00-00 Not allocated CEN
0x08-20-40-81 to 0x10-20-3C-7E 0pE8.00.00.01 to 0pEF-FF-FB-FF Not allocated ISO
0x10-20-3C-80 to 0x10-20-40-7D 0pEF-FF-FC-00 to 0pEF-FF-FF-FD Testingb IEEE P1609 WG IEEE Std 1609.12 1022
0x10-20-40-7E 0pEF-FF-FF-FE IPv6 routing IEEE IEEE Std 1609.3 1
0x10-20-40-7F 0pEF-FF-FF-FF Error indicator "unknown / invalid ITS application" ISO ISO 22418 1

a Values are listed in ISO 15628 as dsrcApplicationEntityId (AID).

b A PSID value allocated to the IEEE 1609 working group (WG) for testing purposes is not identified with a standard application area. It is expected to be used only in testing environments, not to convey information about deployed applications. The meaning associated with a given testing PSID value will be specific to the testing environment in which it is used. The means by which a WAVE device determines the meaning of a testing PSID value are outside the scope of this standard.

c A reserved PSID value is not available for allocation in the current version of the standard. The IEEE 1609 WG may allocate the reserved values in a future version.

d A PSID value allocated to the IEEE 1609 WG for unregistered use is not identified with a standard application area. A set of WAVE devices can use an unregistered value to convey a mutually agreed meaning. Both the meaning and the means by which the devices determine the meaning are outside the scope of this standard. There is no assurance that all devices operating in a given area attach the same meaning to the value.

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