Tag: ieee standards association

Nurturing the Era of End-to-End Mobility as a Service (MaaS): Standards for Connected and Autonomous Transportation

The digital transformation of transportation is a cross-sector challenge

Research Group on Issues of Autonomy and AI for Defense Systems

Ethical and technical challenges in the development, use, and governance of autonomous weapons systems

IEEE 802 Network Enhancements for the Next Decade Industry Connections Activity (Nendica)

Foster industry engagements in new study groups and standardization topics

Open RAN (Radio Access Network)

Developing a sustainable framework for the deployment and innovation of Open RAN across ecosystems

Ethical Assurance of Data-Driven Technologies for Mental Healthcare

Exploring how ethical assurance—supported by ethically sound and rigorous standards—can promote trust in the use of digital technologies for mental healthcare and support transparent communication between stakeholders.

Transdisciplinary Framework for 5G, Future Networks Applications, and Services

Developing framework that is flexible, adaptable, and scalable

African Standardization Strategy and Roadmap for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Inclusive growth and sustainable development

IEEE Ecosystem Steering Committee

Developing an interoperable data infrastructure through extensible governance and metadata lifecycle framework

Meta Issues in Cybersecurity

Experts with practical experience in cybersecurity addressing limitations in current cybersecurity approaches and technologies.
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