Consensus and Collaboration
As an organization built around consensus and collaboration, IEEE SA coordinates with various bodies and organizations from around the world. Our engagement is through membership and technical group liaisons, as well as through agreements that:
- Promote adoption and distribution of standards in different regions or countries
- Enable joint development of standards
- Encourage participants from around the world to participate in our standards development process
- Facilitate coordination and collaboration between technical communities
- Foster collaboration on joint initiatives
Our collaborations provide flexible frameworks to help improve mutual understanding of standardization and related needs and priorities, increase coordination on standards issues, and strengthen the ability of IEEE and our collaborators to promote the development of impactful consensus-based standards and identify opportunities to advance our respective and collective missions.
We work with international organizations and institutions to encourage cooperation on global problems and to enhance understanding of the role of standards in facilitating innovation, supporting sustainable development and technology governance, and in helping to address global challenges through practical knowledge and real-world perspective. We engage with UN agencies, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and World Economic Forum among others.
Standards Collaborations by Country

African Electrotechnical Commission (AFSEC)

African Standardisation Organization (ARSO)

Bhutan Standards Bureau (BSB)

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

China Communications Standards Association (CCSA)

China Electronic Standardization Institute (CESI)

China National Institute of Standardization (CNSI)

European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI)

GCC Standardisation Organization (GSO)

Ghana Standards Authority (GSA)

Hungarian Standards Institution (MSZT)

Institute of Technical Standards of Costa Rica (INTECO)

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

International Standardization Organization (ISO)

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Internet Society (ISOC)

Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification (KATZINST)

Korean Agency For Technology and Standards (KATS)

Korea Electric Association (KEA)

Korea Electronics Association

Korean Society of Automotive Engineers

Rwanda Standards Board (RSB)

Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalization (INEN, Ecuador)

South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)

Standards Australia

Standards Institution of Israel (SII)

Standartinform (Russia)

Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards (TAICS)

Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI)

Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)

Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS)