Active Standard

IEEE C37.21-2017

IEEE Standard for Control Switchboards

Ratings, construction, and testing of dead-front control switchboards containing, but not limited to, devices such as switches, control devices, instrumentation, metering, monitoring, alarms, annunciators, protective and auxiliary relays, and regulating devices and accessories are covered in this standard. It includes, but is not specifically limited to, switchboards for the control and protection of apparatus used for or associated with power generation, conversion, transmission, and distribution. Types of switchboards may include control, vertical, dead-front, enclosed, dual, or duplex switchboards. Other construction types include control desks, consoles, benchboards, dual or duplex benchboards, fixed rack, cabinet, and swing rack cabinets. It does not apply to industrial controls, communication equipment, switchboards for use on board ships, or Class 1E switchboards for use in nuclear generating stations.

Sponsor Committee
PE/SWG - Switchgear
Learn More About PE/SWG - Switchgear
Active Standard
PAR Approval
Board Approval

Working Group Details

IEEE Power and Energy Society
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Sponsor Committee
PE/SWG - Switchgear
Learn More About PE/SWG - Switchgear
Working Group
SA/C37.21 - C37.21 - Standard for Control Switchboards
IEEE Program Manager
Jennifer Santulli
Contact Jennifer Santulli
Working Group Chair
Christo Thomas

Other Activities From This Working Group

Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.

Standard for Control Switchboards

This standard covers ratings, construction, and testing of dead-front control switchboards containing, but not limited to, devices such as switches, control devices, instrumentation, metering, monitoring, protective and auxiliary relays, and regulating devices and accessories. It includes switchboards for the control and protection of apparatus used for or associated with power generation, conversion, transmission, and distribution. It does not apply to industrial controls, communication equipment, switchboards for use onboard ships, or Class 1E switchboards for use in nuclear generating stations, nor does it address human factor considerations. In this standard, dead-front control switchboards are called control switchboards.

Learn More About PC37.21

Standards approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board that are within the 10-year lifecycle.

IEEE Standard for Control Switchboards--Amendment 1: Control and Secondary Circuits and Devices, and All Wiring

Requirements for control, secondary, and logic-level wiring are addressed in this amendment. It covers wire type, ampacity, and methods for protecting wiring across a hinge.

Learn More About C37.21a-2020

These standards have been replaced with a revised version of the standard, or by a compilation of the original active standard and all its existing amendments, corrigenda, and errata.

IEEE Standard for Control Switchboards

This standard covers ratings, construction, and testing of dead-front control switchboards containing but not limited to devices such as switches, control devices, instrumentation, metering, monitoring, alarms, annunciators, protective and auxiliary relays, and regulating devices and accessories. It includes, but is not specifically limited to, switchboards for the control and protection of apparatus used for or associated with power generation, conversion, transmission, and distribution. Types of switchboards may include control, vertical, dead-front, enclosed, dual, or duplex switchboards. Other construction types include control desks, consoles, benchboards, dual or duplex benchboards, fixed rack, cabinet, and swing rack cabinets. It does not apply to industrial controls, communication equipment, switchboards for use on board ships, or Class 1E switchboards for use in nuclear generating stations.

Learn More About C37.21-2005

These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.

No Inactive-Withdrawn Standards

These standards are removed from active status through an administrative process for standards that have not undergone a revision process within 10 years.

No Inactive-Reserved Standards
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