What is IEEE SA Governance?

IEEE SA Volunteers from around the world play a pivotal role in guiding and supervising the esteemed IEEE Standards development process through participation in IEEE SA Governance. This oversight involves evaluating and directing the needs and considerations associated with innovative IEEE SA products and services. A key benefit of IEEE SA Governance involves actively promoting new initiatives throughout the standards life cycle while facilitating industry input and feedback. Furthermore, it offers valuable guidance on the direction of various IEEE SA programs. IEEE SA Governance consists of the IEEE SA Standards Board (SASB), the IEEE SA Entity Collaborative Activities Governance Board (CAG), and IEEE SA Board of Governors (BOG). These boards collectively contribute to the success of the IEEE SA Governance, ensuring the continual evolution of high-quality standards and fostering collaboration across diverse domains.

Governance roles are available to serve as a member on the following boards and committees:


  • Business development.
  • Budget plan / finance management and oversight.
  • Policy review and approval.
  • Standards development directions and industry adoption.


  • Standards development project initiation, oversight, and review.
  • Standards development principles with consensus, due process, openness, and balance.
  • Standards Committee / Working Group procedures and processes.


  • IEEE SA entity-based activities, representing industry interests and global perspectives.
  • Industry inputs regarding standards development.
  • Oversight on CAG Standards Committee for certain entity-based projects.

Benefits of Volunteering in IEEE SA Governance

By getting involved, you can help create a meaningful impact. Through active participation, you can enhance your understanding and expertise in the standards process. Additionally, your engagement will lead to greater familiarity with IEEE SA, allowing you to have influence on its proceedings. Guiding the governance process will be part of your role, alongside the chance to connect with peers and professionals in your industry. As the technological landscape continues to evolve, your involvement will also ensure you stay well-informed about the latest advancements and emerging trends.

Who Should Apply?

Prospective candidates should demonstrate a strong commitment to engaging in IEEE SA governance bodies and holding individual memberships in both IEEE and IEEE SA. Ideal candidates should have experience in developing standards; developing IEEE Standards is a plus. IEEE SA offers training and entry-level governance positions for those looking to get involved.

How to Apply

  1. Decide the IEEE SA Governance board for which you would like to apply.
    Note: You can submit multiple applications, but keep in mind that different boards have unique forms and deadlines.
  2. Choose which form(s) would be applicable based on your interest.
  3. Fill out the Candidate Form(s).

If you experience any issues with the application process or prefer to email your application, please reach out to Dave Ringle, Director of IEEE SA Governance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Commitment Expectations?

The time commitment for these positions varies based on the specific governance board and role. The monthly commitment can range from 5 to 15 hours on average for most positions, with exceptions for certain leadership roles like chairs.

In-person meetings: IEEE SA BOG, SASB, and CAG typically have three in-person meetings each year, held in different locations worldwide.

Teleconferences: IEEE SA BOG typically holds 2-4 teleconferences per year, SASB typically holds 1 teleconference per year, and CAG typically holds 1-2 teleconferences per year.

What Happens After Applying?

IEEE SA Board of Governors Nominations & Appointments Committee (N&A)

The process involves thoroughly reviewing all received applications and subsequently formulating recommendations to be presented to the IEEE SA Board of Governors (BOG).

Please await notification of your application status, which is typically distributed by early to mid-December. For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to Dave Ringle, Director of IEEE SA Governance.

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