Fiber Attach Technology White Paper
Optical interconnects are critical to providing reliable and energy efficient data transfer between active and passive devices that are pervasive in data centers, telecommunications, transportation, and many emerging sectors and use-case scenarios. There currently are no standard metrics for assessing the overall performance of these connections. This white paper is…

A Transdisciplinary Strategic Approach to Implementing an Effective Hospital-At-Home Framework
The rise in the incidence of global pandemics and climate catastrophes demonstrates that the demand for healthcare services is stretched beyond what services can be effectively provided. Even with increased healthcare spending in recent years in the United States and worldwide, access to healthcare resources has declined for many. To…

Literature Review on Kinematic Properties of Road Users for Use on Safety-Related Models for Automated Driving Systems
This document presents a review of relevant literature (e.g., standards, regulations, and scientific publications) that investigated kinematic behavior of road users. This review is intended to serve as a key contribution to the Automated Driving Systems (ADS) research and industry communities, as well as to current standardization efforts, such as…

Indian Language Resources--Accessibility Subcommittee Report
This report of the subgroup on information and communication technology (ICT) accessibility is part of per-standardization studies for Indian language resources. It was initiated with industry consultation of IEEE Standards activity to pool expertise across government, industry, and academia. This report provides a brief introduction of the significance of accessibility…

Indian Language Resources--Evaluation Subcommittee Report
This report summarizes the findings and recommendations of the evaluation subcommittee of the IEEE prestandardization effort on standards for Indian language resources and evaluation for speech and language technology. Evaluation is a crucial aspect of any system. There are several generic challenges for the evaluation of speech and language technology,…

Indian Language Resources--Speech Subcommittee Report
This report summarizes the findings and recommendations of the speech subcommittee of the IEEE prestandardization effort on standards for Indian language resources. Speech processing technology is all about recognizing spoken words. Technologies like language detection, speech transcription, speech synthesis, etc., are part of speech processing technology. In the context of…

Indian Language Resources--Text Processing Subcommittee Report
A lot of research has been done on different NLP tasks and standards both internationally and in Indian languages (ILs). Much software has been built around these tasks and widely used in products. However, often different research and product groups have created different standards to address the problem. This often…

Framework for Integrated Multisector Smart Logistics
This paper is the second in a series and delves deeper into the challenges and gaps in ensuring a resilient and sustainable smart logistics ecosystem, and proposes an integrated multisector smart logistics framework to address these challenges and gaps. An integrated multisector smart logistics framework will be critical for the…

Guidelines for Resilient Food Supplies During Crisis and Emergency Situations
This paper focuses on best practices and guidelines for ensuring resilient and sustainable food supply chain systems during crises and emergencies, as the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing wars have exacerbated the global food crisis. Urgent actions are needed to ensure that nutritious food is delivered to the most vulnerable.