About the Industry Connections Committee (ICCom)

Industry Connections Committee (ICCom)

This committee shall examine Industry Connections Activity Initiation Documents (ICAIDs) (DOC) and make recommendations to the IEEE SA Corporate Advisory Group (CAG) regarding their approval. The committee shall also make recommendations to the CAG regarding the termination of Industry Connections activities. The committee’s procedures and responsibilities are specified in the IEEE SA Industry Connections Committee Operations Manual (PDF).

About ICCom Members

The committee shall be comprised of at least five members. The chair and other members of the committee shall be appointed by the Chair of the IEEE SA IESS SMDC for a term of one year.

2024 Roster

Kevin Lu Chair
Robby Robson Vice Chair
Jyotika Athavale Daleep Mohla
Mark Epstein Dan Sabin
Rich Forselius Dorothy Stanley
Guido Hiertz Mehmet Ulema
Xiaohui Liu Howard Wolfman
Maike Luiken
IC Staff
Rudi Schubert
Shana Pepin
Rosalinda Saravia ICCom Administrator
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