Tag: transportation

IEC/IEEE International Standard – Electrical Resistance Trace Heating Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications Part 2: Application Guide for system design, installation and maintenance.

This part of IEC/IEEE 62395 provides detailed recommendations for the system design, installation, maintenance and repair of electrical resistance trace heating systems in industrial and commercial applications. This document does…

IEEE/IEC International Standard – Electrical Resistance Trace Heating Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications – Part 1: General and testing requirements

This part of IEC/IEEE 62395 specifies requirements for electrical resistance trace heating systems and includes general test requirements. This document pertains to trace heating systems that can comprise either factory-fabricated…

IEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments–Security Services for Application and Management Messages

Secure message formats and processing for use by Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) devices are defined in this standard, including methods to secure WAVE management messages and methods to…

Standard for Traction Power Rectifier Transformers for Substation Applications up to 1500 V DC Nominal Output

This standard covers design, manufacturing, and testing unique to the application of power rectifier transformers intended to operate in dc supplied transportation substation applications up to 1500 V dc nominal…

IEEE Standard for Biometric Multi-modal Fusion

A multi-modal fusion technology framework for the biometric system, which specifies multi-modal fusion architecture, functional requirements, business processes, performance requirements and security requirements is proposed in this standard.

Guide for Direct Current (DC) Power Transmitter of Wireless Charging for Kitchen Appliances

This guide specifies the requirements for direct current (DC) power transmitter of wireless charging for kitchen appliances with the operating voltage range (DC350V-DC400V), including functional requirements, performance requirements and test…

Standard for Secure and Trusted Learning Systems

This standard specifies technical requirements for student data management and privacy protection in Learning online systems and services.

IEEE Master Test Guide for Electrical Measurements in Power Circuits

The material submitted for the 2020 reinstatement of Working Group 120 is the basis for this updated version. To provide general guidelines intended to assist nonelectrical engineers and technicians involved…

IEEE Standard Definitions of Physical Quantities for Fundamental Frequency and Time Metrology–Random Instabilities

Methods of describing random instabilities of importance to frequency and time metrology are covered in this standard. Quantities covered include frequency, amplitude, and phase instabilities; spectral densities of frequency, amplitude,…
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