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IEEE/IEC P62395-2

IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Electrical Resistance Trace Heating Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications Part 2: Application Guide for system design, installation and maintenance

This part of IEC/IEEE 62395-2 provides detailed recommendations for the system design, installation, maintenance and repair of electrical resistance trace heating systems in industrial and commercial applications. This standard does not include or provide for any applications in potentially explosive atmospheres. This standard pertains to trace heating systems that may comprise either factory fabricated or field-assembled (work-site) units, and which may be series or parallel trace heaters, or surface heaters (heater pads or heater panels) that have been assembled and/or terminated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The products covered by this standard are intended to be installed by persons who are suitably trained in the techniques required and that only trained personnel carry out especially critical work, such as the installation of connections and terminations. Installations are intended to be carried out under the supervision of a qualified person who has undergone supplementary training in electric trace heating systems. This standard does not cover induction, impedance or skin effect heating. Trace heating systems can be grouped into different types of installations. These are characterized by different requirements for testing and are usually certified for a specific type of installation or application. Typical applications for the different types of installation are as follows: a) Installations of trace heating on pipes, vessels and associated equipment. Applications include : - freeze protection and temperature maintenance; - hot water lines; - oil and chemical lines; - sprinkler systems. b) Outdoor exposed area installations of trace heating. Applications include: - roof de-icing; - gutter and downspout de-icing; - catch basins and drains; - rail heating. c) Installation with embedded trace heating. Applications include: - snow melting; - floor warming; - frost heave prevention; - underground thermal energy storage systems; - door frames. d) Installations of trace heating internal to conduit or piping. Applications include: - snow melting - in conduit; - floor warming - in conduit; - frost heave prevention - in conduit; - underground thermal energy storage systems - in conduit; - internal trace heating of potable water lines; - enclosed drains and culverts.

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IAS/PCI - Petroleum and Chemical Industry
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Working Group Details

IEEE Industry Applications Society
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Sponsor Committee
IAS/PCI - Petroleum and Chemical Industry
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Working Group
P62395 WG - 62395 Electrical Resistance Trace Heating for Industrial and Commercial Applications
IEEE Program Manager
Patricia Roder
Contact Patricia Roder
Working Group Chair
Richard Hulett

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IEEE/IEC Draft Standard - Electrical Resistance Trace Heating Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications - Part 1: General and testing requirements

This part of IEC/IEEE 62395-1 specifies requirements for electrical resistance trace heating systems and includes general test requirements. This standard pertains to trace heating systems that may comprise either factory-fabricated or field-assembled (work-site) units, and which may be series and parallel trace heaters or surface heaters (heater pads and heater panels) that have been assembled and/or terminated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. This standard also includes requirements for termination assemblies and control methods used with trace heating systems. This standard provides the essential requirements and testing appropriate to electrical resistance trace heating equipment used in industrial and commercial applications. The products complying with this standard are intended to be installed by persons who are suitably trained in the techniques required and that only trained personnel carry out especially critical work, such as the installation of connections and terminations. Installations are intended to be carried out under the supervision of a qualified person who has undergone supplementary training in electric trace heating systems. This standard does not include or provide for any applications in potentially explosive atmospheres. This standard does not cover induction, impedance or skin effect heating. Trace heating systems are grouped into different types of applications and the different conditions found during and after installation necessitate different requirements for testing. Trace heating systems are usually for a specific type of installation or application. The product type grouping, applications and product attributes are indicated.

Learn More About P62395-1

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