Tag: standards board

Patent Committee (PatCom)

Responsible for coordinating the development, publication and revision of IEEE standards.

Standards Board Bylaws

Comprehensive information about IEEE SA governance, as well as links to relevant governing documents and boards and committees that support the standards development lifecycle.

Standards Board Operations Manual

Comprehensive information about IEEE SA governance, as well as links to relevant governing documents and boards and committees that support the standards development lifecycle.

Board of Governors Meeting Information

Responsible for overseeing the operations and establishing policy for the IEEE SA.

Procedures Committee (ProCom)

Responsible for coordinating the development, publication and revision of IEEE standards.

Board of Governors Meeting Notice

Responsible for coordinating the development, publication and revision of IEEE standards.

About the Standards Review Committee (RevCom)

Responsible for coordinating the development, publication and revision of IEEE standards.

Board of Governors Resolutions

Responsible for overseeing the operations and establishing policy for the IEEE SA.

About the Board of Governors

Responsible for overseeing the operations and establishing policy for the IEEE SA.
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