Tag: Power and Energy

IEEE Guide for Development of Specifications for Turnkey Substation Projects

Systematic methodology, guidelines and practices for developing turnkey substation specifications are provided in this guide. Guidance on engineering, procurement, construction, testing and commissioning, quality assurance/quality control and training is provided.

IEEE Guide for the Measurement of Partial Discharges in AC Electric Machinery

A review of the nature of partial discharge in machine windings, how it can be measured under both off-line and on-line conditions, how it can be measured for individual form…

IEEE Guide for Application of Digital Line Current Differential Relays Using Digital Communication

A comprehensive guide to practical line current differential schemes using digital communications. Operating principles, synchronization methods, channel requirements, current transformer requirements, external time reference requirements, backup considerations, testing considerations, and…

IEEE Standard for Current Transformers with Maximum Milliampere Secondary Current of 250 mA

Milliampere-range current transformers (CTs) are not addressed in the scope of IEEE Std C57.13-2016. The evaluation, certification, and specification of milliampere CTs is enabled in this standard similar to the…

IEEE Guide for Determining the Effects of High-Temperature Operation on Conductors, Connectors, and Accessories

Possible adverse impacts to an operating overhead transmission line which might occur when operating the line at high temperatures are discussed. Specifically, the transmission line's conductor, connectors, and attached accessories…

IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Buswork Located in Seismically Active Areas

Recommended practices for the engineering and design of flexible and rigid bus connections for bus and equipment in electric power substations located in seismically active areas are provided in this…

IEEE Guide for Determining Fault Location on AC Transmission and Distribution Lines

Electrical faults on transmission and distribution lines are detected and isolated by system protective devices. Once the fault has been cleared, outage times can be reduced if the location of…

IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment–Enclosure Integrity

Conformance tests and requirements for the integrity of above grade pad-mounted enclosures that contain apparatus energized in excess of 600 volts and that may be exposed to the public including,…

IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment–Enclosure Integrity for Coastal Environments

Conformance tests and requirements for the integrity of above-grade pad-mounted enclosures for application in coastal environments that contain apparatus energized in excess of 600 V and that may be exposed…
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