Tag: Power and Energy

Intelligent Assessment of Safety Risk for Overhead Transmission Lines Under Multiple Operating Conditions

This standard applies artificial intelligence techniques, three-dimensional model of overhead Transmission Line and Geographic Environment, for accurate detection of overhead conductors to the ground and adjacent buildings, trees, etc. The…

Standard for Power Modeling to Enable System-Level Analysis

This standard describes a parameterized and abstracted power model enabling system, software, and hardware intellectual property (IP)-centric power analysis and optimization. It defines concepts for the development of parameterized, accurate,…

Guide for Direct Current (DC) Power Transmitter of Wireless Charging for Kitchen Appliances

This guide specifies the requirements for direct current (DC) power transmitter of wireless charging for kitchen appliances with the operating voltage range (DC350V-DC400V), including functional requirements, performance requirements and test…

Guide for the Installation of Vertical Generators and Generator/Motors for Hydroelectric Applications

The procedures for installation described in this guide apply to all types of synchronous generators and generator/motors rated 5 MVA and above to be coupled to hydraulic turbines or hydraulic…

Recommended Practice for the Electromagnetic Characterization of Cable/Connector Assembly Shielding Effectiveness in Frequency Range of Direct Current to 40 GHz

This standard provides recommended measurement techniques for evaluating, and methods for specifying, the capabilities or effectiveness of shielding on cable/connector assemblies for the control of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) to allow…

Guide for a Software Change Control System for Three-Dimensional (3D) Bioprinting of Tissue-Engineered Medical Products (TEMPs)

This document provides guidelines for how to develop and implement a software change control system to manage all changes made during three-dimensional (3D) printing of medical products to create tissues…

IEEE Standard Profile for Use of IEEE 1588™ Precision Time Protocol in Power System Applications Amendment 1: Adding a Type-Length-Value (TLV) to Indicate the Latest International Earth Rotation Service (IERS)-Specified Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) Leap Second Event

This amendment to IEEE Std. C37.238™-2017 specifies a LEAP_SECOND_EVENT TLV to enable grandmaster-capable clocks to distribute leap second event and validity information in advance.

IEEE Guide for Grip Test Method for Fittings of High-Temperature, Low-Sag Overhead Conductor Under Tension and Electric Current Co-Effect

Introduced in this guide is the grip test method for fittings of high-temperature, low-sag overhead conductor with long-term operating temperature of between 90 °C and 250 °C in the coeffect…

Recommended Practice for Limiting Voltage Imbalance in Electric Power Systems

This recommended practice includes recommended voltage imbalance limits, the determination of the level of voltage imbalance, and the expected voltage imbalance following the connection of new unbalanced loads. This recommended…
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