Tag: ieee standards association

Implementation Roadmap for Systemic EV Adoption in India and Asia

Bringing together stakeholders, including the automotive industry, the power industry, telecom, and policy makers, to create a viable roadmap for deploying electric vehicles (EV) across India and Asia.

Responsible Innovation of AI and the Life Sciences

Developing new standards for responsible innovation of AI and the life sciences

Sustainable Infrastructures and Community Development Program

An incubator to develop a global community, public presence, roadmaps and action plans around sustainable infrastructure and design, power sector transformation, and energy efficiency across IEEE. A focal point for…

Rural Communication

Connectivity solutions for rural populations

IEEE SA Industry Rapid Activator Program (IRAP)

Developing an interoperable data infrastructure through extensible governance and metadata lifecycle framework

Transforming the Telehealth Paradigm: Sustainable Connectivity, Accessibility, Privacy, and Security for All

Establish the foundation of security, connectivity, accessibility, and privacy for future technological innovation in telehealth delivery

IoT Ecosystem Security

Advancing the adoption and integration of digital technologies

The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Extended Reality

Supporting ethical issues related to Extended Reality

Holistic Digital Resilience Ecosystem for Disaster and Emergency Preparedness, Mitigation and Response: Frameworks, Toolkits and Guidelines

Creating and sustaining a holistic digital resilience ecosystem
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