Tag: ieee-sa

Copyright FAQS for Working Group and Activity Chairs

Most commonly asked questions about the IEEE Standards Association, its programs, products, services and processes.

Report: Decoupling Human Characteristics from Algorithmic Capabilities

This report opens a conversation about decoupling anthropomorphic language from discussions around artificial intelligence in efforts to give agency to the public and decision makers. This is explored through the…

FAQs on Requesting Permission for Use Material from Approved IEEE Standards

Most commonly asked questions about the IEEE Standards Association, its programs, products, services and processes.

NESC® Program

The one-stop resource for the National Electrical Safety Code.

Applied Children’s Case Studies

We are excited to announce the publication of the IEEE SA Designing Trustworthy Digital Experiences for Children Case Study Report These case studies show how to bridge principles to best…

Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS) Communities

An incubation space for new standards and solutions, certifications and codes of conduct, and consensus building for ethical implementation of intelligent technologies

Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS) Standards

An incubation space for new standards and solutions, certifications and codes of conduct, and consensus building for ethical implementation of intelligent technologies

Report: Addressing Ethical Dilemmas in AI: Listening to Engineers Report

This report is based on the proceedings of the online hackathon “Ethical dilemmas in AI – engineering the way out”, conducted in September 2020 by the Association of Nordic Engineers…

WAMIII – Virtual Talk Series

The Wearables and Medical IoT Interoperability and Intelligence (WAMIII) virtual talk series will continue to convene and educate the global community of technologists, clinicians, healthcare professionals, regulatory, patient advocates, bio/pharma…
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