Tag: ieee-sa

IEEE Ecosystem Steering Committee

Developing an interoperable data infrastructure through extensible governance and metadata lifecycle framework

Open Source

Impact through Open Source Open source has changed the landscape of technology development, speeding innovation and enabling radical advancements in the way we live, work and communicate. It has also…

Roadmap for the Development and Implementation of Standard-Oriented Knowledge Graphs

Transformation to machine-readable intelligent standards

Meta Issues in Cybersecurity

Experts with practical experience in cybersecurity addressing limitations in current cybersecurity approaches and technologies.

Implementation Roadmap for Systemic EV Adoption in India and Asia

Bringing together stakeholders, including the automotive industry, the power industry, telecom, and policy makers, to create a viable roadmap for deploying electric vehicles (EV) across India and Asia.

Disaster Recovery for Blockchain Nodes and Enterprise Workloads

Highly secure and trusted technology for financial applications

Responsible Innovation of AI and the Life Sciences

Developing new standards for responsible innovation of AI and the life sciences

Sustainable Infrastructures and Community Development Program

An incubator to develop a global community, public presence, roadmaps and action plans around sustainable infrastructure and design, power sector transformation, and energy efficiency across IEEE. A focal point for…

Rural Communication

Connectivity solutions for rural populations
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