The standard defines analog computing terms from absolute value circuit to zero error reference. Each term is accompanied by a paragraph of definitive text. Significant cross-referencing is given.
The standard presents definitions of hybrid computer linkage components terms from analog to digital converters to multiplying DAC. Each term is accompanied by definitive text and cross-referencing.
This standard specifies a basic architecture of privacy-preserving computation interworking framework, and defines the specification of node interworking, resource interworking and algorithm component interworking.
Evaluation methods and frameworks for virtual training systems are defined in this standard. The evaluation framework consists of a plan, design, data, test, and analysis that can evaluate the virtual…
This standard defines representations of holographic content to provide interfaces between Cyber and Physical Worlds for objects, which may exist either in Cyber or Physical Worlds. This includes following formats…
This standard specifies automotive electronics product inspection equipment, focusing on its structure, detection precision, functions of visual detection, functions of signal detection, functions of the software, data transfers, data storage,…
This standard specifies the general requirements of visual inspection of surface mount devices (SMD) for surface mount technology (SMT) machines, including the format of chip parameters data exchange, the function…