This standard specifies an energy-efficient framework for video content distribution in IP over WDM networks. The framework considers delivering video content from fixed-size or variable size caches or from centralized…
Haptic codecs for the data reduction of kinesthetic and tactile signals are described in this standard. Three types of codecs are presented in this document, including the no-delay kinesthetic codec…
This standard defines a framework for the Tactile Internet, including descriptions of various application scenarios, definitions and terminology, functions, and technical assumptions. This framework prominently also includes a reference model…
This amendment to IEEE Std 1900.6-2011 adds procedures, protocols, and message format specifications for the exchange of sensing related data, control data, and configuration data between spectrum sensors and spectrum…
This amendment defines modifications to both the IEEE 802.11 physical layers (PHYs) and the IEEE 802.11 medium access control layer (MAC) to enable operation in frequencies around 60 GHz and…