Tag: AI

The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Extended Reality (XR) Report–Social and Multi-User Spaces in VR: Trolling, Harassment, and Online Safety

The scope of this report is the exploration of ethics-related issues in terms of virtual clones and the right to your identity; the aim is to initiate expert-driven, multidiscipline analysis…

The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Extended Reality (XR) Report–Extended Reality (XR) Ethics and Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Extended Reality (XR) Report–Business, Finance, and Economics

The scope of this report is the exploration of ethics-related issues in XR business models, and the aim is to initiate expert-driven, multidiscipline analysis of the evolving XR Ethics requirements,…

The IEEE Global Initiative 2.0 on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems

Moving “From Principles to Practice” with standards projects, certification programs, and global consensus building to inspire the Ethically Aligned Design of autonomous and intelligent technologies

Report: Decoupling Human Characteristics from Algorithmic Capabilities

This report opens a conversation about decoupling anthropomorphic language from discussions around artificial intelligence in efforts to give agency to the public and decision makers. This is explored through the…

Report: Addressing Ethical Dilemmas in AI: Listening to Engineers Report

This report is based on the proceedings of the online hackathon “Ethical dilemmas in AI – engineering the way out”, conducted in September 2020 by the Association of Nordic Engineers…

Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS) Standards

An incubation space for new standards and solutions, certifications and codes of conduct, and consensus building for ethical implementation of intelligent technologies

Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS) Communities

An incubation space for new standards and solutions, certifications and codes of conduct, and consensus building for ethical implementation of intelligent technologies

Standards Collaboration

Consensus and Collaboration As an organization built around consensus and collaboration, IEEE SA coordinates with various bodies and organizations from around the world. Our engagement is through membership and technical…
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