Public Listing

Logical Link Control (LLC) Public Listing

Current Assignment of Individual LSAP Address Values

Hex LLC Address Value (SSAP & Indiv. DSAP) Binary Organisation Responsible for the Document Document References
00 Z000 0000 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 ISO/IEC 8802-2 (1)
other individual addresses with second least significant bit "0" (excluding Z000 0000) ---- Unreserved use
02 Z100 0000 ANSI IEEE 802.1B (2)
82 Z100 0001 ASHRAE ANSI/ASHRAE 135-1995 (13)
42 Z100 0010 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC6 ISO/IEC 10038 (3)
C2 Z100 0011
22 Z100 0100
A2 Z100 0101
62 Z100 0110
E2 Z100 0111
12 Z100 1000
92 Z100 1001
52 Z100 1010
D2 Z100 1011
32 Z100 1100
B2 Z100 1101
72 Z100 1110
F2 Z100 1111
0A Z101 0000 ANSI IEEE 802.10B (11)
8A Z101 0001
4A Z101 0010
CA Z101 0011
2A Z101 0100
AA Z101 0101 ANSI IEEE 802 (4)
6A Z101 0110
EA Z101 0111
1A Z101 1000
9A Z101 1001
5A Z101 1010
DA Z101 1011
3A Z101 1100
BA Z101 1101
7A Z101 1110
FA Z101 1111
06 Z110 0000 ANSI ARPANET/IP (5)
86 Z110 0001
46 Z110 0010
C6 Z110 0011
26 Z110 0100
A6 Z110 0101 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 ISO/IEC 8802-2 (12)
66 Z110 0110
E6 Z110 0111 IEC TC13 IEC62056-46 (14)
16 Z110 1000
96 Z110 1001
56 Z110 1010
D6 Z110 1011
36 Z110 1100
B6 Z110 1101
76 Z110 1110
F6 Z110 1111
0E Z111 0000 IEC IEC 955 (6)
8E Z111 0001 IEC IEC 955 (7)
4E Z111 0010 ISO ISO 9506 (8)
CE Z111 0011
2E Z111 0100
AE Z111 0101
6E Z111 0110
EE Z111 0111
1E Z111 1000
9E Z111 1001
5E Z111 1010
DE Z111 1011
3E Z111 1100
BE Z111 1101
7E Z111 1110 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC6 ISO/IEC 8208 (9)
FE Z111 1111 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC6 ISO/IEC TR 9577 (10)
*The bit marked 'Z' is the least significant bit and represents the command/response identifier bit in an SSAP field; or the address type designation bit (set to the value '0' - Individual) in a DSAP field. LSAP values that are neither assigned nor identified for unreserved use are reserved.
The following numbers correspond to the numbers in parenthesis shown in the document reference column. 1) Used in ISO/IEC 8802-2 as the Null Address. 2) Used by IEEE 802.1b (IEEE 802.1b: IEEE Standard for LAN/MANs Network Management) to indicate LLC Sublayer Management. 3) Used in ISO/IEC 10038 (ISO/IEC 10038: 1993, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - LANs - Media Access Control (MAC) bridges) to identify the Bridge Spanning Tree Protocol. 4) Used in IEEE 802 (IEEE Std 802-1990, IEEE Standard for LAN/MANs: Overview and Architecture of Network Standards) to identify the SNAP SAP. 5) Used in ARPANET (RFC 791: ARPANET/IP, Internet Protocol, DARPA Internet Program Protocol Specification) to identify the Internet Protocol. 6) Used in IEC 955 (IEC 955: 1989, Process Data Highway, Type C (Proway C), for Distributed Process Control Systems) to identify Network Management Maintenance and Initialization. 7) Used in IEC 955 (IEC 955: 1989, Process Data Highway, Type C (Proway C), for Distributed Process Control Systems) to identify Active station list Maintenance. 8) Used in ISO/IEC 9506 (ISO 9506: 1990, Industrial Automation Systems - Manufacturing Message Specification - Part 1: Service Definition 1st Edition; Part 2: Protocol Specification 1st Edition; Part 3: Robot Specific Message Systems) to identify Manufacturing Message Service. 9) Used to identify ISO/IEC 8208 (ISO/IEC 8208: 1995, Information technology - Data Communication - X.25 packet layer protocol for data terminal equipment) as the Network Layer Protocol. 10) Used to identify ISO/IEC TR 9577 (ISO/IEC TR 9577: 1993, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Protocol identification in the network layer). 11) Used by IEEE 802.10B (IEEE 802.10B: IEEE Standard for LAN/MANs for Interoperable LAN Security (SILS) Part B) to identify the Secure Data Exchange Protocol. 12) Used in ISO/IEC 8802-2 to identify the Source Routing Route Determination Entity. 13) Used by ASHRAE (American Society for Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineering) in BACnet - A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks (ANSI/ASHRAE 135-1995). 14) Used in IEC62056-46 (Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control — Part 46: Data Link Layer using HDLC Protocol) to identify the Service user layer entity.

Current Assignment of Group LSAP Address Values

Hex LLC Address Value (Group DSAP) Binary Organisation responsible for the document Document references
group addresses with second least significant bit "0" ---- Unreserved use
03 1100 0000 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
83 1100 0001 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
43 1100 0010 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
C3 1100 0011 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
23 1100 0100 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
A3 1100 0101 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
63 1100 0110 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
E3 1100 0111 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
13 1100 1000 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
93 1100 1001 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
53 1100 1010 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
D3 1100 1011 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
33 1100 1100 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
B3 1100 1101 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
73 1100 1110 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
F3 1100 1111 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
0B 1101 0000 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
8B 1101 0001 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
4B 1101 0010 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
CB 1101 0011 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
2B 1101 0100 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
AB 1101 0101 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
6B 1101 0110 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
EB 1101 0111 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
1B 1101 1000 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
9B 1101 1001 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
5B 1101 1010 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
DB 1101 1011 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
3B 1101 1100 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
BB 1101 1101 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
7B 1101 1110 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
FB 1101 1111 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
07 1110 0000 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
87 1110 0001 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
47 1110 0010 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
C7 1110 0011 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
27 1110 0100 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
A7 1110 0101 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
67 1110 0110 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
E7 1110 0111 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
17 1110 1000 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
97 1110 1001 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
57 1110 1010 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
D7 1110 1011 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
37 1110 1100 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
B7 1110 1101 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
77 1110 1110 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
F7 1110 1111 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
0F 1111 0000 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
8F 1111 0001 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
4F 1111 0010 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
CF 1111 0011 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
2F 1111 0100 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
AF 1111 0101 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
6F 1111 0110 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
EF 1111 0111 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
1F 1111 1000 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
9F 1111 1001 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
5F 1111 1010 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
DF 1111 1011 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
3F 1111 1100 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
BF 1111 1101 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
7F 1111 1110 Reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6
FF 1111 1111 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 ISO/IEC 8802-2 (1)
*The leftmost bit in this table is the least significant bit and represents the address type designation bit (set to the value '1' - Group) in the DSAP field. The meaning and use of reserved Group LLC addresses are for further study. LSAP values that are neither assigned nor identified for unreserved use are reserved.
The following number corresponds to the number in parenthesis shown in the document reference column. 1) Used in ISO/IEC 8802-2 as the global DSAP address
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