Featured: Top Changes to the 2023 NESC®
Additional Information, Articles, Tools, and Resources Related to the NESC
- New National Electrical Safety Code Subcommittee Seeks Members
- IEEE Workshop Provides Forum to Discuss 2023 NESC
- Highlights of the New 2023 National Electrical Safety Code
- It’s Electric!
- IAEI Magazine: Pole Maintenance Preventing Theft and Shock Hazards
- IAEI Magazine: Education and Credentialing program Addresses Industry Gaps as Demand for DERS Grow
- IAEI Magazine: Meeting the Demands for Qualified Telecommunications Workers
- IAEI Magazine: The Importance of Standards in the Energy Sector
- IAEI Magazine: Beyond The Service Point – NESC and NEC: Scopes, Demarcations, Exceptions
- Evolving the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)
- Utilities’ unique stake in the National Electric Safety Code
- The National Electrical Safety Code: Engaging the Next Generation of Engineers
The Impact of the NESC
The Future of the NESC
Join the NESC
National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®): 100 Years of Safety & Interoperability
The NESC®: Focused on Worker Safety
The NESC®: Perspectives on Resiliency
The NESC® Summit 2015: Department of Energy Overview: Patricia Hoffman Keynote
The NESC®: Engaging the Next Generation
The NESC® Summit 2015: OSHA Overview: Dean McKenzie Keynote
The NESC®: A Legacy of Safety
IEEE is undertakes periodic surveys of all Public Service Commissions, Public Utility Commissions, and other appropriate state regulatory bodies to determine the edition of the NESC in effect in each state and how that adoption is set forth or decreed.
For specific contact information for each public service or public utility commission, see the listing provided by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC).
Contact us Today!
If interested in joining send an email to nesc-support@ieee.org, indicating if you are interested in the Main Committee or Technical Subcommittees (and which subcommittee(s) you are interested in joining), which interest category you would align with, an updated resume and a letter of intent.