New National Electrical Safety Code Subcommittee Seeks Members


For the first time in decades, the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) has added a new subcommittee. And if you’re a professional in the field of power generation, you have a unique opportunity to get involved as NESC Subcommittee 9, Generation SC, (SC9) seeks to recruit members.

Newly formed SC9 will play an important role in the NESC, developing and enhancing procedures to safeguard persons during the installation, operation, or maintenance of an electric generating station and their associated equipment. These responsibilities used to be part of Subcommittee 3, which deals with electrical substations, but have been spun off into a new subcommittee as power generation has become more specialized.

“It’s time for power generating experts to have their own seat at the table,” Subcommittee 9 Chair Jim Houston explains. “Now we need those specialists to step forward and join us as we continue to update and evolve this important safety code.”

SC9 is open to professionals at any stage of their career power generation, including those employed with private utilities, public utilities, corporations, and government entities. The Subcommittee is particularly interested in those with experience in renewable energy, grid storage batteries, and Distributed Energy Resources (the interconnection and interoperability between utility electric power systems, as defined in the IEEE 1547-2018 standard).

“We really need to emphasize renewable energy and microgeneration efforts right now,” says Houston. “These areas are growing in importance and will help ensure safe, reliable power for decades to come.”

Houston strongly encourages those who are considering joining SC9 to get involved. “Elements of our code are in use in 45 U.S. states and have been adopted all over the world,” Houston says. “Joining the NESC and SC9, you get to help shape the future of electrical safety and be part of something bigger than yourself.”

If you’re interested in joining NESC Subcommittee 9, please visit the Join the NESC Webpage or contact [email protected].

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