This standard provides specifications for representing three-dimensional (30) maps for robotics and automation. This standard defines a recommended format for exchanging map data among robots, computers, and other devices. The representation format specified by this standard considers static maps and describes their elements and associated uncertainty independently of the geographic scale and sensor modalities used to build the maps. In particular, this standard (a) defines a hierarchy of terminologies related to 30 robot maps for robotics and automation; (b) specifies a data model for each element of the hierarchy; and (c) specifies a JSON format for map data exchange between different robots, computer systems, and devices. This standard provides formats for exchanging 30 map data between robots and devices (e.g., by transmitting them over a communication channel or by saving them on some storing devices). This standard is not intended to affect internal formats that robots and devices use to build, update, and use maps.
- Sponsor Committee
- RAS/SC - Standing Committee for Standards
Learn More About RAS/SC - Standing Committee for Standards - Status
- Active PAR
- PAR Approval
- 2017-02-17
Working Group Details
- Society
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
- Sponsor Committee
- RAS/SC - Standing Committee for Standards
Learn More About RAS/SC - Standing Committee for Standards - Working Group
3D-MDR - Robot 3D Map Data Representation
- IEEE Program Manager
- Tom Thompson
Contact Tom Thompson - Working Group Chair
- Francesco Amigoni
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