Standard Operating Procedure for Digital Commerce in Least Developed Countries
This paper explains the importance of making sure that operationalization digital commerce policy and strategy goes hand in hand with the continued strengthening of the legal and regulatory framework for digital commerce, including addressing concerns over safety and security, data protection and privacy, consumer protection, reliability of payment systems, and…

A Template for Building an Integrated Multisector Smart Logistics Ecosystem
This paper introduces the diverse players in the smart logistics ecosystem with case studies from some of the players on how they have contributed and impacted the smart logistics ecosystem.

Holistic Multidimensional Guidelines: Comparative Analysis: E-Education Standards, Guidelines, and Toolkits
This document examines the existing standards, policy guidelines, and toolkits to determine their efficiency and sufficiency for a new imagined modality of teaching and learning. Apart from those of the UNs Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), standards, guidelines, and toolkits from Nepal, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom (UK) are…

Holistic Multidimensional Guidelines: Implementing Resilient E-Education Ecosystems In Rural Areas
This document presents holistic multidimensional guidelines for implementing sustainable, effective and resilient e-education ecosystems in rural areas. These guidelines are based on a series of studies conducted by the eWorldwide Group and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers--Standards Association that have been engaging with multiple stakeholders in developing a…

Holistic Implementation Framework: Resilient E-Education Ecosystems
This document provides an implementation framework for developing sustainable, effective and resilient e-education ecosystems in rural areas. The implementation framework is made up of four critical components that are fundamental to the design and development of a holistic, resilient e-education ecosystem. The four critical components are: (i) technical; (ii) human…

IEEE SA: Pre-Standardization Study for Indian Languages Report
The paper outlines the pre-standardization study for Indian Languages and explains the outcome of that study, the result of which is four additional papers. This series of documents is a pre-standardization study focusing on identifying the gaps in the standards. The series does not offer any recommendation on prioritization of…

Domain-Specific Use Cases for ROOF (Realtime Onsite Operations Facilitation) Computing Framework
The ROOF framework has been designed to provide innovation, reuse, better user experience, security by design, for harmonizing horizontal as well as vertical integration for the Internet of Things ecosystem. This white paper focuses on real-world applications for the ROOF and how it delivers value for the citizens, government, and…

Concepts for Classification of Adaptive Instructional Systems
This white paper gives a brief introduction to conceptual classification of high-level functional components of adaptive instructional systems identified by the project group, and a proposed model for classifying AISs based on levels of adaptivity. It is offered as a frame for current and future standards development, baseline concepts to…

Security for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
The security aspects of V2V communications in UAS addressed by IEEE P1920.2 are delineated in this paper. Those include the architecture of communication interfaces, authentication of V2V parties, cryptographic key management, and zero trust architecture.