Tag: transportation

IEEE Guide for Rail Potential Management for DC Electrification Systems

This guide will provide a description of the concepts, applicable standards, and methods used for the calculation and management of rail potential on dc-electrified rail transit systems.

IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Installations on Shipboard

These Marine Recommendations have been drawn up to serve as a guide for the equipment of merchant vessels with an electric plant system and electric apparatus for lighting, signaling, communication,…

IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Installations on Shipboard

These marine recommendations are intended to serve as a guide for the selection and installation of equipment on merchant vessels with electric apparatus for lighting, signaling, communication, power, and propulsion.…

AIEE American Tentative Standards for Railway Motors and Other Rotating Electrical Machinery on Rail Cars and Locomotives

The rules in this division of American Stand­ards cover definitions, classification, rating and and methods of test for rotating electrical machin­ery forming a part of the power equipment of electrically…

AIEE American Standard for Rotating Electrical Machinery on Railway Locomotives and Rail Cars and Trolley, Gasoline -Electric and Oil- Electric Coaches

In undertaking the preparation of rules for standards for rotating electrical equipment for railway cars and locomotives under the Rules of Procedure of the Ameri­can Standards Association, it has been…

AIEE American Standard for Rotating Electrical Machinery Forming a part of the power equipment on electrically propelled railway cars, railway locomotives, and coaches (Trolley and Prime Mover)

This Standard applies to rotating electric machinery forming a part of the power equipment of electrically-propelled railway cars, railway locomotives, and coaches, (trolley and prime mover)

IEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) — Multi-Channel Operation

Multi-channel wireless radio operations, Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) mode, medium access control (MAC), and physical layers (PHYs), including parameters for priority access, channel switching and routing, management services,…

IEEE Recommended Practice for Thyristor Controlled Rectifiers for Traction Power Substation Applications

Design, manufacturing, and testing unique to the application of thyristor controlled power rectifiers for dc supplied transportation substation applications up to 1500 V dc nominal output is covered in this…

IEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) — Networking Services

Services to WAVE devices and systems are provided in IEEE Std 1609.3(TM), IEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)–Networking Services. Layer 3 and layer 4 of the open…
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