Minimum requirements for the design, construction, manufacturing, testing, purchasing, and application of electric submersible pump cable are presented. The cable is round or flat, with polypropylene insulation, nitrile or polypropylene…
A step-by-step process for selecting an appropriate termination that is commensurate with a particular shielded power cable design is provided in this guide. Over the years, shielded power cables have…
The synchronous monitoring method, the layout principle, and the analysis of monitoring results of direct current (dc) magnetic bias current distribution on transmission networks 110 kV and above from transformers…
The performance, test requirements, procedures, and acceptance criteria for a transmission line overhead ground wire (a.k.a. shield wire, static wire, earth wire, skywire) with optical fibers commonly known as optical…
Common denominators for subscriber line performance, independent of facility types, construction processes or equipment, and circuit provisioning methods are provided in this standard.
The basis for the coordination of equipment in unit substations by assisting in the selection of components is intended as the use of this guide. A variety of designs for…
The aim of this recommended practice is to establish a protocol for the measurement of partial discharges using ac voltages and VHF/UHF electromagnetic sensors, for quality control during routine tests…