Tag: Power and Energy

IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment – Enclosure Integrity

Conformance tests and requirements for the integrity of above-grade pad-mounted enclosures that contain apparatus energized in excess of 600 V and that may be exposed to the public, including but…

IEEE Standard for Pad Mounted Equipment – Enclosure Integrity for Coastal Environments

Covered in this standard are conformance tests and requirements for the integrity ofabove-grade pad-mounted enclosures for application in coastal environments that containapparatus energized in excess of 600 V and that…

IEEE Recommended Practice for Network Communication in Electric Power Substations

Recommended practices for communication and interoperation of devices connected on an electric power substation Internet protocol (IP) network are provided. For the power engineer new to IP networking, this document…

IEEE Guide for Detection, Mitigation, and Control of Concentric Neutral Corrosion in Medium-Voltage Underground Cables

The primary focus of this guide is unjacketed, underground distribution cable installed direct buried or in conduit. The causes of corrosion in cable concentric neutral wire and strap and the…

IEEE Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems in Substations

The design, installation, and protection of wire and cable systems in substations with the objective of minimizing cable failures and their consequences are covered in this guide.

IEEE Guide for Bus Design in Air Insulated Substations

A proper design of the substation bus ensures a safe and reliable operation of the substation and the power system. Two different types of buses are used in substations, the…

IEEE Guide for Electric Power Distribution Reliability Indices

Distribution reliability indices and factors that affect their calculations are defined in this guide. The indices are intended to apply to distribution systems, substations, circuits, and defined regions.

ISO/IEC 13961:2000 (IEEE Std 1596-1992) Information Technology — Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI)

IEEE Recommended Practice for the Electrical Protection of Optical Fiber Communication Facilities Serving, or Connected to, Electrical Supply Locations

This Recommended Practice presents engineering design procedures for the electrical protection of optical fiber communication facilities serving, or connected to, electric supply locations. Other telecommunication alternatives, such as radio and…
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