Basic requirements, direction, and methods for qualifying Class lE connection assemblies for service in nuclear power generating stations and other nuclear facilities are provided in this standard. These requirements include…
The recommended practices and procedures for direct voltage acceptance and maintenance testing of shielded, laminated, dielectric-insulated power cable systems rated 5 kV to 500 kV are presented in this guide.…
This standard covers metal-enclosed switchgear assemblies incorporating gas insulating systems containing, but not limited to, such devices as interrupter switches; selector switches; fuses; circuit breakers; control, instrumentation and metering devices;…
The recommended practices and procedures for direct voltage acceptance and maintenance testing of shielded, insulated power cable systems rated 5 kV and above for dc service are presented in this…
This corrigendum makes technical corrections to errors identified in the base standard during the 2 publication process.(This amendment was incorporated into IEEE Std 1858-2016 and was not published separately)
The measurement of thermal resistivity of soil and backfill materials to include concrete, engineered backfills, grout, rock, sand, and any other material used to encase the cable system installed in…
This standard defines secure message formats and processing for use by Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) devices, including methods to secure WAVE management messages and methods to secure application…
Supersedes IEEE C62.35-2010 and IEEE C62.35-2010/Cor1-2018. The basic electrical parameters to be met by silicon PN junction voltage clamping components used for the protection of telecommunications equipment or lines from…