This standard represents an extension to the IEEE 1505 receiver fixture interface (RFI) standard specification. Particular emphasis is placed on defining within the IEEE 1505 RFI standard a more specific…
Methods of describing random instabilities of importance to frequency and time metrology are covered in this standard. Quantities covered include frequency, amplitude, and phase instabilities; spectral densities of frequency, amplitude,…
A mechanical and electrical specification for implementing a common interoperable mechanical quick-disconnect interconnect system for use by industry for interfacing large numbers of electrical signals (digital, analog, RF, power, etc.)…
This document specifies the framework for the family of ATML standards. ATML defines a standard exchange medium for sharing information between components of an Automatic Test System (ATS), utilizing the…
Guidance in the use of the signal and test definition (STD) standard is provided. STD provides the means to define and describe signals used in testing. This guide describes how…
Adoption IEEE Std 802.11h-2003. This amendment specifies the extensions to IEEE 8802.11(TM) for wireless local area networks (WLANs) providing mechanisms for dynamic frequency selection (DFS) and transmit power control (TPC)…
A set of codes and formats to be used by devices connected via the IEEE 488.1 bus is specified. This standard also defines communication protocols that are necessary to effect…
Supersedes IEEE Std 488.1-2003. This standard applies to interface systems used to interconnect both programmable and nonprogrammable electronic measuring apparatus with other apparatus and accessories necessary to assemble instrumentation systems.…
A process for the management of risk in the life cycle of software is defined. It can be added to the existing set of software life cycle processes defined by…