Tag: IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP)

Framing the Future of Technology for Good

IEEE SA’s Framing the Future of Technology for Good photo contest highlights the power of standards for a more sustainable, equitable, and connected world.

The Benefits of IEEE CertifAIEd™ Training

An overview of the IEEE CertifAIEd program and benefits that it offers to various professionals engaged with the ethical use of artificial intelligence systems.

Three Healthcare and Life Sciences Trends to Watch in 2022

As we look ahead to 2022, it is through a lens of accessibility and trust that we seek to address three expected trends in healthcare.

Three Mobility Trends to Watch in 2022

Trust in autonomous vehicles, MaaS, sustainable and smart city transportation will continue to drive the mobility industry in 2022 and beyond.

Four Connectivity and Telecom Trends to Watch in 2022

Universal connectivity, AI, machine learning, 5G, open RAN, and cybersecurity will continue to drive the telecommunications industry in 2022 and beyond.

Five Foundational Technology Trends to Watch in 2022

TIPPSS, cybersecurity, IoT, augmented/virtual/mixed reality, and other emerging themes will drive the overall technology advancements in 2022 and beyond.

Raising Standards for Renewables Integration in Ghana

The Ghana Energy Commission is updating the National Electricity Grid Code and Electricity Distribution Code to rely more heavily on renewable energy sources.
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