Tag: IEEE 802™

Promoting Standardization in Smart Manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications

IEEE SA Volunteer Spotlight: Sha Wei

Protecting Online Data Privacy and Enabling Trust in Connected Technologies

IEEE SA Recognizes Data Privacy Day with a Variety of Standards, Projects, and Activities

IEEE SA Places Focus to Fuel the Future of Mobility

New IEEE Standards in Automotive and Aerospace to Bridge Innovations for Better Connectivity and Safety

IEEE P802.3df™ Defines Architecture Holistically to Achieve 800 Gb/s and 1.6 Tb/s Ethernet

Spanning Ethernet rates, lane signaling rates and widths, and media types, IEEE P802.3df is a standards project to develop a holistic Ethernet architecture.

Consumer Communications Workstream

An incubation space for new standards and solutions, certifications and codes of conduct, and consensus building for ethical implementation of intelligent technologies

5 Ways Technology Standards Can Help You In Your Career

Many of the technologies, devices, and products you work with as a technology professional, from Wi-Fi to messaging apps, function based on IEEE Standards.

New Standard Allows Operators to Better Manage Ethernet Networks

IEEE 1904.2 Standard Aims to Reduce Costs and Improve Management of Connected Devices

How Time-Sensitive Networking Benefits Fronthaul Transport

IEEE 802.1CM™ Standard Connects Fronthaul Transport Networks via More Cost-effective Packet Ethernet Solution

Common Purpose, Different Paths: Stories of IEEE Standards Developers

In this article, four volunteers shared how participating in the IEEE SA working groups raises the world’s standards to make technology better, safer, and more sustainable.
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