Uniform methods of measurements of radio-frequency power-line interference filter attenuation performance in the range of 100 Hz to 10 GHz are set forth. Nonloaded and loaded attenuation measurements are presented…
Superseded by IEEE Std C95.1-2005 This Amendment will clarify the standard by specifically defining additional portions of the human body, e.g., the outer ear (pinna), as extremities subject to similar…
Appropriate electromagnetic threat levels, protection methods, monitoring techniques, and test techniques for specific classes of computer equipment are established. This equipment is expected to be accessible to the public at…
Service conditions, electrical ratings, thermal ratings, and environmental testing requirements are defined for communications networking devices to be installed in electric power substations. This standard establishes a common reproducible basis…
(Revision of IEEE Std 187-1990) Abstract: Spurious radiation from sound and television broadcast receivers of the superheterodyne type are possible sources of interference with other radio services. This standard describes…
IEEE Std 1528-2003 specifies protocols and test procedures for the measurement of the peak spatial-average SAR induced inside a simplified model of the head of users of certain handheld radio…
Consensus calibration methods for electromagnetic (EM) field sensors and probes are provided. Data recording and reporting requirements are given, and a method for determining uncertainty is specified.
Recommendations are given to prevent harmful effects in human beings exposed to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range of 03 kHZ. The recommendations are intended to apply to exposures of…