Tag: Computer Technology

IEEE Standard for Long Wavelength Wireless Network Protocol

This standard defines the air interface for radiating transceiver radio tags using long wavelength signals (kilometric and hectometric frequencies, <450 kHz). Conforming devices can have very low power consumption (a…

IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition

A set of useful quality considerations that can be selected and applied during one or more steps in a software acquisition process is described in this recommended practice. The recommended…

IEEE Standard for Interval Arithmetic

This standard specifies basic interval arithmetic (IA) operations selecting and following one of the commonly used mathematical interval models. This standard supports the IEEE 754 floating point formats of practical…

IEEE Standard Specification for Password-Based Public-Key Cryptographic Techniques

This standard covers specifications of public-key cryptographic techniques for password-based authentication and key establishment, supplemental to the techniques described in IEEE Std 1363-2000 and IEEE Std 1363a-2004. It is intended…

IEEE Standard for a High-Performance Serial Bus

This standard provides specifications for a high-speed serial bus that supports both asynchronous and isochronous communication and integrates well with most IEEE standard 32-bit and 64-bit parallel buses. It is…

IEEE Standard for Software Reviews and Audits

Five types of software reviews and audits, together with procedures required for the execution of each type, are defined in this standard. This standard is concerned only with the reviews…

IEEE Recommended Practice for Defining a Commonly Acceptable Musical Application Using XML

This project will develop an XML application defining a standard language for symbolic music representation. The language will be a meta-representation of music information for describing and processing said music…

IEEE Standard for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage Devices

This project defines a standard protocol for secure authentication and creation of trust between a secure host and a directly attached Transient and other Storage Devices, such as a USB…

IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata – Corrigendum 1: Corrigenda for 1484.12.1 LOM (Learning Object Metadata)

This corrigendum clarifies and corrects technical errors, editorial errors, and omissions in IEEE Std 1484.12.1-2002.
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