Tag: communications

Standard for Definitions and Concepts for Dynamic Spectrum Access: Terminology Relating to Emerging Wireless Networks, System Functionality, and Spectrum Management

This standard provides definitions and explanations of key concepts in the fields of spectrum management, spectrum trading and licensing, cognitive radio, dynamic spectrum access, policy based radio systems, software-defined radio,…

IEEE Recommended Practice for Common Framework of Location Services for Healthcare

A common framework of Location Services for Healthcare (LS-H) is contained in this recommended practice. The framework includes LS-H conceptual information model and LS-H common terminology.

61850-9-3, Edition 2: Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 9-3: Precision time protocol profile for power utility automation

This standard specifies a precision time protocol (PTP) profile of IEEE 1588-2019 applicable to power utility automation that allows complying with the highest synchronization classes of IEC 61850-5 and IEC…

Guide for Securing Generic Object Oriented System Events (GOOSE) and Sampled Values (SV) Protocols of IEC 61850 using IEC 62351-6 and IEC 62351-9

This guide provides information for suppliers and implementors on applying security from the most recently published versions of IEC 62351-6 and IEC 62351-9 to GOOSE (IEC 61850-8-1), R-GOOSE (IEC 61850-8-1),…

Standard for Training, Testing, and Evaluating Machine-Learned Spectrum Awareness Models

This standard describes how to generate datasets to train and test Machine-Learned Spectrum Awareness (MLSA) models that detect, classify, characterize, and/or identify radio frequency (RF) signals and signal emitters. The…

IEEE Photogrammetric Technical Standard for Civil Light and Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Overhead Transmission Line Engineering

With the popular application of civil light and small unmanned aircraft systems in engineering surveying, UAS photogrammetry is increasingly used for the production of mapping results for overhead transmission line…

IEEE Standard for Health Informatics — Device Interoperability — Part 10429: Personal Health Device Communication — Device Specialization – Spirometry

Within the context of the ISO/IEEE 11073 family of standards for device communication, in this standard, a normative definition of the communication between personal telehealth spirometry devices and managers (e.g.,…

Trial Use Recommended Practice for Decentralized Clinical Trials Patient Safety

This recommended practice describes a set of useful considerations that can be applied when assessing the impact of a decentralized clinical trial on patient safety. The recommended practice can be…

Trial Use Recommended Practice for Decentralized Clinical Trials Threat Modeling, Cybersecurity, and Data Privacy

This recommended practice describes a set of minimum requirements and useful considerations that can be applied to threat modeling when assessing the cybersecurity and data privacy of protocol design and…
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