Tag: communications

IEEE Standard for System of Advanced Audio and Video Coding

Storage file formats and real-time transport protocol (RTP) payload formats for IEEE 1857(tm) video and IEEE 1857.2(tm) audio are defined. The storage of video and audio not only uses the…

IEEE Standard Health informatics–Point-of-care medical device communication –Part 10101: Nomenclature Amendment 1: Additional Definitions

Within the context of the ISO/IEEE 11073 family of standards for point-of-care (POC) medical device communication (MDC), the nomenclature defined by the base ISO/IEEE 11073-10101:2004 nomenclature standard is extended by…

IEEE Standard for Advanced Audio Coding

This standard defines a set of tools to support specific audio coding functions including general audio coding and lossless audio coding. The tool set defined in this standard, in combination…

IEEE Standard for Content Delivery Protocols of Next Generation Service Overlay Network

Protocols to support advanced content delivery capability in next generation service overlay networks including content delivery (CD) functional entity (FE), service routing (SR) FE, service policy decision (SPD) FE, service…

IEEE Standard for Service Composition Protocols of Next Generation Service Overlay Network

This standard specifies protocols among Service Composition (SC) Functional Entity (FE), Service Discovery and Negotiation (SDN) FE, Context Information Management (CIM) FE, Service Routing (SR) FE and Service Policy Decision…

IEEE Standard for Self-Organizing Management Protocols of Next Generation Service Overlay Network

This standard specifies protocols between Overlay Management (OM) Functional Entity (FE) and all other NGSON FEs, and/or NGSON nodes to enable OM FE involved self-organizing management capability. This capability includes…

IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks–Bridges and Bridged Networks–Amendment 27: Enhancements to Bridging of IEEE 802.11 Media

Protocols, procedures, and managed objects to allow IEEE 802.11 media to provide internal connections within bridged networks, as well as access to bridged networks, are provided in this amendment.

IEEE Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks –Amendment 2: Ultra-Low Power Physical Layer

Two alternate physical layers (PHYs), TASK and RS-GFSK, are specified in this amendment in addition to the PHYs of IEEE Std 802.15.4-2015. The amendment also defines the medium access control…

IEEE Standard for Information Technology–Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks–Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 3: Enhancements for Very High Throughput to Support Chinese Millimeter Wave Frequency Bands(60 GHz and 45 GHz)

The IEEE 802.11™ directional multi-gigabit (DMG) physical layer (PHY) and the medium access control (MAC) layer are modified by this amendment to IEEE Std 802.11™-2016 to enable operation in the…
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