Celebrating 100 Years of Safety & Interoperability

Celebrating 100 Years of Safety & Interoperability

For 100 years companies and workers alike have relied upon the National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) to help guard the safety and efficiency of electric supply, communication lines, and related equipment. One of the oldest and most ubiquitous safety codes, the NESC has been in continuous use since August 1914.

Produced exclusively by IEEE, which serves as Secretariat, the NESC specifies best practices for the safety of electric supply and communication utility systems at both public and private utilities. The Code is a collaborative work, and is frequently revised with significant input from the businesses and industries it serves.

As it progresses into the next century, IEEE invites everyone to learn more about the NESC and the vital role it plays in helping ensure the safety of companies, employees, and the public alike. Click on the image below for the full-sized graphic.

NESC Celebrating 100 Years Infographic

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If interested in joining send an email to nesc-support@ieee.org, indicating if you are interested in the Main Committee or Technical Subcommittees (and which subcommittee(s) you are interested in joining), which interest category you would align with, an updated resume and a letter of intent.

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