IEEE Launches Certification Program for Nuclear Equipment Qualification to Help Improve Global Nuclear Safety

IEEE Launches Certification Program for Nuclear Equipment Qualification to Help Improve Global Nuclear Safety

The IEEE Standards-Based Program Benefits Global System Integrators, Plant Owners, Equipment Vendors, and More

PISCATAWAY, NJ, 16 August 2022 – IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, and the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) announce the launch of the IEEE Nuclear Power Electrical Equipment Certification Program. This program aims to help the nuclear equipment qualification (EQ) ecosystem improve safety by implementing cost savings on source verification and audits, limiting fraudulent product issues, offering an independent assessment of compliance to relevant IEEE standards, and mitigating uncertainties in Class 1E electrical equipment procurement.

The IEEE Nuclear Power Electrical Equipment Certification Program benefits multiple nuclear industry stakeholders by providing a standardized test plan, methodology, and report templates that can help avoid market confusion and make it easier to identify, attain, and manage IEEE product certifications when building an EQ package/binder.

Key stakeholders include:

  • Utilities and plant owners
  • Equipment and component vendors
  • Systems Integrators and plant designers
  • Regulatory agencies
  • EQ testing laboratories
  • Insurers

In order to qualify as a recognized nuclear equipment test facility, labs undergo an extensive audit performed by the IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP). Periodic audits are performed to assess their technical competence and quality assurance program by utilizing standardized audit guidelines with relevant IEEE standards such as IEC/IEEE 60780-323™.

IEEE SA has announced Kinectrics, Inc. and NTS, two prominent nuclear equipment qualification labs, as early adopters that have been recognized in the program. Recognized labs will demonstrate that only certified components meeting the most widely accepted qualification standards can be tested.

“The Nuclear Standards Certification Program was developed in collaboration with industry experts and stakeholders, said John White, IEEE Nuclear Power Engineering Committee Chair. “Launching this program along with the IEEE EQ Navigator™ platform better positions IEEE to serve the global marketplace in the nuclear power industry. Conformance with IEEE standards has never been more necessary than it is today, and I would like to congratulate Kinectrics and NTS for being recognized as part of this program.”

All recognized labs will employ the IEEE EQ Navigator, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) that the nuclear industry will use to attain product qualification and test laboratory accreditation. It allows for an independent and streamlined assessment of conformance to IEEE nuclear power standards.

“IEEE is committed to access to energy through our standards development and conformity programs,” said Konstantinos Karachalios, managing director of IEEE SA. “The global nuclear power industry is focused on the safe and efficient delivery of power, and as the industry’s leading provider of technical standards, we are committed to helping create a more sustainable world through safer nuclear energy. The certification program will not only benefit manufacturers and utilities but create an industry benchmark for nuclear labs around the world.”

Stakeholders are welcome to learn more by visiting the IEEE Nuclear Power Electrical Equipment Certification Program website.

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