Tag: IEEE 802.1

Standardized Modeling of Connected Devices Drives Network Automation

IEEE YANGsters work to set guidelines and harmonize efforts to use YANG models for connected devices in IEEE 802®-based networks.

IEEE SA Places Focus to Fuel the Future of Mobility

New IEEE Standards in Automotive and Aerospace to Bridge Innovations for Better Connectivity and Safety

How Time-Sensitive Networking Benefits Fronthaul Transport

IEEE 802.1CM™ Standard Connects Fronthaul Transport Networks via More Cost-effective Packet Ethernet Solution

Where Are We on the Road to Ubiquitous Automotive Ethernet

IEEE SA Ethernet & IP @ Automotive Technology Day discusses how to fully leverage the advantages of Ethernet across the vehicle toward ubiquitous Automotive Ethernet.

Internet of Things: Understanding Core Challenges for Gen Z and Gen Alpha Consumers

Who are Generations Z and Alpha, and what are the core challenges these emerging generations face now and in the future when using the IoT?

IEEE 1588-2019 Enhances Network Connectivity with Precision Time Protocol

IEEE 1588 specifies the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) used to transfer time through a network so that everything in the network operates in a synchronized manner.

IEEE 802.1 YANG Data Model Standards Enhance Next-Generation Network Management

Learn about how various IEEE 802.1 YANG Data Model Standards contribute to next-generation network management.

IEEE 802.1AS-2020 Standard Fuels Growth of Industrial Automation, Automotive Networking, and 5G Applications

The IEEE 802.1 Working Group expands standards for the transport of synchronized time over networks to address the growing need for TSN.

Unlock the Power of Real-Time IEEE 802.11™ ‘Wi-Fi®’ Networks

In real-time networks, it is important to have a generally low and consistent amount of latency than having absolute minimal latency in some cases.
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