Published White Paper

IEEE White Paper

The Industrial Metaverse Report

The Industrial Metaverse is an important application area within the Metaverse. The concept of the Industrial Metaverse is relatively cutting-edge, involving complex technologies and diverse industry types. The industrial ecosystem of the Metaverse has not yet been fully established and perfected, but the exploration of applications related to the Industrial Metaverse is gradually unfolding. In order to build consensus and guide the industry to explore the Industrial Metaverse collaboratively, this report is specially prepared to elaborate on the concept, potential changes, conceptual framework, and supporting system of the Industrial Metaverse. It also provides recommendations for promotion, aiming to provide reference and guidance for the practical application and industrial development of the Industrial Metaverse.

Sponsor Committee
SASB/IC - Industry Connections Committee
Published White Paper

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SASB/IC - Industry Connections Committee

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