Published White Paper

IEEE White Paper

Indian Language Resources--Speech Subcommittee Report

This report summarizes the findings and recommendations of the speech subcommittee of the IEEE prestandardization effort on standards for Indian language resources. Speech processing technology is all about recognizing spoken words. Technologies like language detection, speech transcription, speech synthesis, etc., are part of speech processing technology. In the context of the official Indian languages, there is an identified gap in the status of such technologies for Indian languages. The report focuses exclusively on official Indian languages. It summarizes the available standards and practices, key use cases driving the deployment of such technology, priority gaps that need to be addressed to promote the adoption of speech technologies, resources available, and resources required toward the development of speech technologies, current metrics, and datasets used for evaluation of various technologies and identifies gaps that need to be addressed.

Sponsor Committee
SASB/IC - Industry Connections Committee
Published White Paper

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SASB/IC - Industry Connections Committee

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