Published White Paper

IEEE White Paper

Holistic Multidimensional Guidelines: Implementing Resilient E-Education Ecosystems In Rural Areas

This document presents holistic multidimensional guidelines for implementing sustainable, effective and resilient e-education ecosystems in rural areas. These guidelines are based on a series of studies conducted by the eWorldwide Group and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers--Standards Association that have been engaging with multiple stakeholders in developing a global framework to better understand and address the multitude of complex and interrelated challenges to achieve holistic e-resilience in education. The guidelines build on this framework that is made up of four critical components: (i) technical; (ii) human capacity; (iii) economic; and (iv) social, cultural and traditional. Each critical component is comprised of key elements and considerations that need to be examined and addressed in an integrated manner.

Sponsor Committee
SASB/IC - Industry Connections Committee
Published White Paper

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SASB/IC - Industry Connections Committee

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