This standard applies to road vehicles. It defines a minimum set of reasonable assumptions and foreseeable scenarios that shall be considered in the development of safety related models that are part of an automated driving system (ADS).
- Sponsor Committee
- VT/ITS - Intelligent Transportation Systems
Learn More About VT/ITS - Intelligent Transportation Systems - Joint Sponsors
- Status
- Active Standard
- PAR Approval
- 2022-02-23
- Proposed Amendment
- Board Approval
- 2022-03-24
- History
- Published:
- 2022-04-22
Additional Resources
- Downloads
- 9763462
Working Group Details
- Society
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
Learn More About IEEE Vehicular Technology Society - Sponsor Committee
- VT/ITS - Intelligent Transportation Systems
Learn More About VT/ITS - Intelligent Transportation Systems - Working Group
AV Decision Making - Formal Model for Safety Considerations in Automated Vehicle Decision Making
- IEEE Program Manager
- Soo Kim
Contact Soo Kim - Working Group Chair
- Kevin Gay
Other Activities From This Working Group
Current projects that have been authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to develop a standard.
Standard for Assumptions in Safety-Related Models for Automated Driving Systems Amendment: Additional scenarios and road users
This standard applies to road vehicles. This standard expands upon the work presented in IEEE 2846-2022 by providing additional scenarios and road users. For the additional scenarios and road users, this standard defines a minimum set of assumptions regarding reasonably foreseeable behaviors of other road users to be considered in the development of safety-related models for an ADS. The scenarios reflected in this standard include those related to road geometry changes (e.g.,lanes merging), and specific behaviors of other road users (e.g., lane change). This standard further provides guidelines for the composition of more complex scenarios and associated assumptions based on the identified initial set. This standard does not prescribe any specific on-road behaviors expected of an ADS when encountering any of these additional scenarios or road users. Compliance with this standard does not guarantee the safety of the overall system.
IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for the Application of Assumptions on Reasonably Foreseeable Behavior of Other Road Users in Safety Related Models
This recommended practice provides guidelines for applying the assumptions defined in IEEE 2846:2022 in safety-related models during the development, testing, and deployment of Automated Driving Systems (ADS). It specifically covers approaches to identify values for the applicable IEEE 2846:2022 assumptions given the scenario context; approaches for identifying reasonably foreseeable values for these assumptions given the scenario context and for updating these assumptions across the temporal evolution of a scenario; and approaches to validate the selection of assumptions through an analysis of the output of the safety-related model, considering different kinds of performance objectives of interest.
Standards approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board that are within the 10-year lifecycle.
No Active Standards
These standards have been replaced with a revised version of the standard, or by a compilation of the original active standard and all its existing amendments, corrigenda, and errata.
No Superseded Standards
These standards have been removed from active status through a ballot where the standard is made inactive as a consensus decision of a balloting group.
No Inactive-Withdrawn Standards
These standards are removed from active status through an administrative process for standards that have not undergone a revision process within 10 years.
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